Romania-R. Moldova Unification Project

Day 1,461, 03:26 Published in Romania Romania by vasioooo

Scriu din nou fiindca am scos un articol precedent cu privire la o posibila Unire a Romaniei cu Moldova pe modelul Kosovo-Serbia .
Nu-s aici sa analizez diferentele dintre cele doua situati si sincer nici nu ma omor dupa problema Kosovo ,cum unii binevoitori au inteles foarte gresit.
Is aici pentru un proiect ,care nu ar trebui sa fie al meu sau al cuiva, ar trebui sa fie al nostru al tuturor.
Nu mi-am propus nici sa fiu M. Viteazu al jocului nici macar un mic Cuza ,is altii care au facut mai mult pt Comunitate decat ar face 5 uniri din astea si asta nu se va schimba.
Ce mi-am propus prin accest proiect ii dovedirea unui lucru si totul a pornit mai mult de la reactia exemplara pe care turcii au avut-o ca si comunitate in problema Pedjat dar si reactia sarbilor pe forum la problema Kosovo.
Toate actele lor m-au facut sa vreau a demonstra ca si comunitatea noasta are "balls".
Desi proiectul ii un pic greu de realizat ,poate chiar si imposibil ,nu asta ii pana la urma scopul final.Scopul ii a releva daca romanii sunt macar odata in stare sa ceara ce cred ca-i de cuviinta a lor ,fie si intr-un joc si sa nu astepte sa le cada din cer.

De asta cer ajutorul presedintelui actual ,unitatiilor militare ,partidelor si inclusiv oamenilor care cunosc Comunitatea Moldoveneasca in a realiza acest proiect.
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Romania-R. Moldova Unification Project
Doar o masa mare de mesaje ar putea avea succes deci sa demonstra ca si noi putem sa realizam ceva.

Subiect: ]Romania-R. Moldova Unification Project

As a consequence of Kosovo Poll ,were Serbia received justice ,contrary with real life sadly situation.
We ,the Romanian Community and the Moldavian Community ,we ask Erepublik Team to give us a chance ,like Serbia received,to officialize what is well known.
We the Romanian Community ,probably the most active ,and certainly the community ho brought the most major contributions to this game in every assets ,we come with a major issue.
The issue we rise is of course related to our brothers community from Basarabia ,formally named Republic of Moldova.
I am not gone explain the history of our people ,why we are one nation ,and why we got separated because this is very clear in our times ,and this is not a Real Life pleading , our request is a plea to permit this 4 year old community to finally unified in one country as she will .
We play this game for many years ,we dominated this game ,we conquer ,fight ,wrote,made politics ,we made them all , we are a bit tired of this routine,we want something that would motivate as again.
We want the only thing that we could not do in this game ,with our army with our diplomacy ,even if we tried from the first moment of this game and for brief moments we succede.
We want the Unification Of Republic of Moldova with Romania .
We want because we are the same community ,we spoke the same language ,we have the same goals ,we wanted because that artificial border must fall.
If in real life we are in conflict with Russia interests in the area and this made the Unification mearly impossible ,in this game we want to believe that the game serve the people that plays it and not the opposite way .
From that belief ,and the belief that this game is a open minded and dynamic simulator ,we ,the two community's ask for our rightful poll.
Hear we want to believe that is no Russia to stop our goals,and to denied our right of being together as brothers should be ,hear we are strong and we deserve this right of choice.
So we request Erepublik Team to organize a POLL in the two involved country's with the question ;
You agree your country Unification with Romania/Rep. Moldova?

This is our request and we think we are in right to demand it.
We expect Erepublik Team to treat this request very seriously because is a very sensitive problem to our Community ,and a superficial answer to this request will be seen as a big offense.

I wish you a good day .
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