Romániai magyarok figyelem! UPDATE 2

Day 481, 02:35 Published in Romania Hungary by Quicksilver


The party presidency has gone to a Hungarian, drpepe, and we all hope that he will wash away the filth that some Romanians put on it. There has always be a Hungarian minority party in Romania, and there always will. Not for TO - we have tried that and it is impossible logistically - but for representing Hungarians there.

It is appropriate - it is right - and it is the way things should be.

They scream now that we TOd something, but it was them who attempted the TO of a party.

And we will not forget their actions. Not the TO - the mocking, the ridicule, what they did to the party's name and avatar.


A pártelnök lemondása miatt a pártot a legnagyobb xp-vel rendelkező játékos, egy román, zzZZzz vette át. Ő úgy látta jónak, hogy gúnyt űzzön belőlünk, és átnevezze a pártot, lecserélje a logóját.

Isten bocsássa meg neki, mert én nem fogom.

After the resignation of the party president, a romanian, by the name of zzZZzz took over the party, and he saw it fit to rename it to what you can see now - intentionally to anger us, to provoke us, to mock us. Also changed the well-known and traditional logo of the party.

May God have mercy on him for I will not.

Romániai magyarok figyelem!

Az eRMDP-PDMeR pártelnök-jelöltjei közül teo99 NEM MAGYAR, csak kitett egy magyar zászlót avatárnak! A donate-listjéből ( egyértelmű, hogy román, így ha javasolhatom NE szavazzatok rá!

drpepe a magyar jelolt, ra szavazzatok!

Maradjon a párt magyar vezetés alatt, ne hagyjátok, hogy a románok átvegyék!

Ne hagyjátok magatokat átverni egy magyar zászlós avatártól!

It is calling to the attention of Hungarians living in Romania, that theo99 is NOT Hungarian, despite of his avatar - as it can clearly be seen from his donate-list.

The hungarian candidates for the party presidency of eRMDP-PDMeR are drpepe és bandiba.

I am asking even fair-minded Romanians to vote to drpepe - the Hungarian party should have a Hungarian party president and not a scammer.


ps: yes, yes, I do feel the irony of it. It tickles my sixth sense. 🙂
