Roll Call and Reenlistment

Day 2,172, 04:47 Published in USA USA by crashthompson.

SHIELD Soldiers,

As HR guy it is my duty to make sure you know the opportunities available, your assigned regiment, and well, even what if required when you enlist.

To help remind you, and to catch some of you new folks, I am asking that you participate in a on forum roll call. We have done these in the past, so for our veterans this is nothing new.

For an on forum roll call you need to
1. Make sure you have an account with -

- As we are the Fed Party Militia (you don't have to be a member) we host our forums on their forum. -

2. Request SHIELD Soldier Access

3. Request a uniform here -

4. Respond to this thread

We want to get all members up to speed, get them all ready. We have two months with no direct fights with TWO, so lets take that time to educate ourselves, build up our strength, and maybe deploy to help and ally. Either way, lets get ready to rock and roll on the battlefield.

HR Guy