Rockets ...a guide for Dummies

Day 1,681, 01:23 Published in Greece Greece by Dogtooth
OK here we go..

TODAY we shall talk about de rocckitz..

NOOOO not this..

perhaps this rockkitz?

Nooooo ..

Perhaps this then?

NOOO you dummy!!! THE ROCKKITZ!!!

I give up..

THE ROCKKITZ ladies and gentelelelemn!



First you needz

a lot of guns Q1

...and a lot of gunz Q2

...and a lot of gunz Q3

...and some more of gunz Q4

and more gunz more gunz of Q5

and more more more gunz of Q6

and some more moneyz

and... TADA!!! you have the rocket!!!! Ready to use for the greater good!!!

Hit with it wisely and you get the gold..

the medals...

and the girlz!!!!

All the while the adminz stay happy!!!

That's all folks...

If you liked it...

Then again... if not.....

