Rise Up! Enough is Enough!

Day 1,426, 15:22 Published in Canada Albania by Roger Griswald



My friends,

Today, I write to you with passion for change. Too long have we been played by those claiming to act in our best interests, those that are only pretending to improve our country all the while they deceive our kindness and spit on the hard work we are putting into building a stronger eCanada. I am writing to expose a devious plot that our CP and his henchmen have concocted to undermine eCanada and use all of our hard work for their personal gain of destabilizing our country with petty games and personal enjoyment.

Last week, I dismissed a warning I had received from an old frien😛 a player that has been involved in many eWorld governments in both ONE and Terra/EDEN. He warned of a plot (with members of our government involved) to undermine eCanada's sovereignty, and push us away from EDEN/terra and into the ONE alliance. I dismissed the information as outlandish, however the actions of the Romanian-led PTO yesterday have proved his warning legitimate.

When the PTO attempt started; Congress immediately began putting counter measures in place, however, the CP remained silent throughout the day and did nothing to counteract the attack on our sovereignty. Originally I did not suspect our CP or cabinet were a part of this plot, however the CPs close and trusted advisers (Muglack and Rolo) began endorsing the PTOer running in EPIC (http://d.pr/tGto).

On top of this, the CPs only act throughout the day was to remove the eCanadian MoFA, the person with the closest ties to EDEN/terra and our allies, from her post out of fear that “her in-game account had been hacked”. It was well known to Congress that our CP disagreed with our countries continuation within the EDEN alliance, however when our country is under political attack, he removed our strongest voice in gaining assistance from allies from her post, unacceptable.

Within our governing body congress, congress-members began asking the CP to explain his actions. Throughout the day, our CP remained silent on the issue and it was not until after the PTO attempts on the CPP and EPIC had failed that he issued a short retort to my accusations of his wrong-doing, denying any involvement. It is worth noting that throughout the day Rolo's henchmen worked within congress to filabuster (delay) any action by making fun of the issue and redirecting the discussion. I have decided that working within Congress on this issue is not suitable. The actions of our CP must be judged by all citizens.

Addy Lawrence has proven my worst fears true, and today I publicly accuse him of treason. For too long have eCanadians been taken advantage of by the Rolos of our country, those who lie through their teeth, steal our tax dollars and fight against our military efforts. I have had enough, and today I am calling on my fellow eCanadians to stand up and revolt, it is time to bring down the political machine that has been taking advantage of us for too long. There are many Congress members that actually want to work for our country, but we need your support. Its time for eCanadians to rise up and force congress to impeach those that continue to harm our nation. We will no longer stand idly by and support the self-serving agendas of tyrants.

In solidarity,
Roger Griswald
Alberta Congress-member
Minister of Defense | Minister of Information | Player Support Coordinator - NCAP 
PEI and Ontario Congress Member | eCanadian Ambassador to the eUK | EDEN Media Writer
President ~ EPIC & Socialist Party of eCanada | Vice President ~ Canadian Paradox Party
Chief of Public Relations and Recruitment and XO of the Infantry Branch-Canadian Armed Forces