Rise of the Samurai

Day 966, 04:14 Published in Japan Japan by Reiji Mitsurugi

The Reiji Mitsurugi Museum of Reiji Mitsurugi, 30 Mitsurugi Pl., Matsuyama (pending rename to Mitsurugi), Shikoku

Ten thousand years of life to our Emperor

I haven't been sharing my voice with the people of Japan so much these days. Patriots and friends haven't had much to read in the Ashigaru Taishou. And that's a stone cold shame. But I suppose now that the Reiji Mitsurugi Museum of Reiji Mitsurugi (free admission on Wednesday afternoons and all year long for members of the Emperor's Youth!) is well-established, I can turn my attention back to the printing press.

This newest article will discuss my newest venture, which is to say the Japanese Imperial Army's new elite unit. The so-called 'Samurai.' Firstly, I'll say that I didn't choose the name. Those who have been loyal readers of the Taishou for some time will already know that I don't appreciate feudal imagery. We live in civilized times, in an Imperial Republic. The days of the caste system of samurai and peasant are happily behind us.

The Mitsurugi Clan

And yet, it is no secret that I myself come from a samurai family. There is a dark history of peasant exploitation in the history of the Mitsurugis on Shikoku, but at the same time a rich cultural tradition. For all my speaking out against feudalism, some of the more attentive and politically-interested patriots may remember a rich debate between myself and the honored Generalissimo Dokomo regarding the Scorpion Clan. Ultimately, I was vindicated, proven magnificently correct in every respect; seeing as how the aforementioned political organization no longer exists. Still, the Generalissimo made some fine points regarding 武士道, the so-called “Way of the Warrior” philosophy to which the samurai of old adhered. A combination of neo-Confucianist, Buddhist and other fine theories, this ideology was the forerunner of the Japanese gentleman's creed which I myself hold so sacred. As a method of bringing righteous justice to the enemies of the Emperor, it was unmatched.

Duke Mitsurugi and the Generalissimo

And so I will put aside my criticisms of the feudalist imagery and swear to serve the Emperor as one of His Samurai. As the only member of the House of Peers, I have been given the honor of acting as His Majesty's Standard Bearer. This also means I will be the only non-mechanized member of the Samurai. A series of extraordinary honors that make me proud to once again publish this newspaper and to carry instruments of death in His service.

Let the future quake with fear at the rise of the Imperial Army's new Samurai. The Emperor is merciful, His soldiers are not.


-Reiji Duke Mitsurugi, Standard Bearer of His Majesty the Emperor
-禦劍令治公爵, 天皇陛下旗手