Rise of the Free Japanese Army

Day 3,032, 21:39 Published in Japan Nigeria by Madame Yang

Given the absence of even the pretense of a functioning government in eJapan, it behooves the citizenry to organize alternatives. This has been done with varying degrees of success in the past, but the old edifices of the opposition have become plagued with inactivity of their own. Of course, our national community has been gradually demolished by a regressive dictatorship that tolerates no dissension even within in its own ranks, but this is not news to anyone. I'm not about to delve into another weary breakdown of the present condition of our country; my previous articles on the subject still exist and little has changed since their original publication. This is instead a message of action.

A new avenue of resistance has emerged in the form of the Jiyuu Nippon Gun. If you are still an active citizen, dissatisfied with the virtual country club of a "government" that no longer deigns to address outsiders, and you wish to help bring some semblance of community back to eJapan, I urge you to join and get involved. Jobs, supplies, and other means of support are being offered to all members in need - we seek to rebuild and improve the system of mutual aid that once existed at the height of the previous opposition movement. We have been disenfranchised, but there are still options available to those who still insist on playing this game.

For information pertaining to our commune system, and the food and weapons due to you as a member, you may contact either myself, Tomasz, helpmeslack, or sto kila bazuki.

We shall see the fight for democracy through to the end. It will be long journey, but it's one we hope to at least make interesting. And one we hope you'll share with us.

~ Madame Yang