Rise and Fall of a Great Party

Day 316, 13:08 Published in Canada Canada by Tom Hagen

1st January 2008 – Birth of the CPP – First General Election fought.
1st June 2008 – End of the Canadian Paradox Party’s time in government. It had formed the government for 3 terms. The party goes onto life support.
1st October 1008 – The death of the Canadian Paradox Party.

As can be seen above the Canadian Paradox Party has been around for a long while. We provided the leadership following Grapez’s departure. We along with Norsefire led this country during the CanAm War. Many of this country’s current leaders began their careers in the Canadian Paradox Party. However, I now feel that the end is nigh.

I will not blame it on the current leadership. It has been coming for months. Myself, Althalus, and Tinnerholm are tried our best as has kommie. When leadership meets apathy and lack of interest it becomes increasingly difficult for anything to achieved. The inactivity of the Canadian Paradox Party has become a cancer which is has strangled the life out of the party. The recent announcement of the platform is an epitomy of this issue. The party leadership was so busy that it did not have time write a new one and so had to recycle an old one.

I know that I am partially for blame but then so are all Canadian Paradox Party Members. From June the party has been fighting a losing battle and it has lost. With this in mind, I, the founder of the Canadian Paradox Party, recommend to the party leadership that the Canadian Paradox Party be closed down.

From this moment I resign as a member of the Canadian Paradox Party and thereby forfeit any forthcoming Congressional Seat.

Onwards Paradoxia!

Tom Hagen
Founder, Long-time leader and Congressman of the Canadian Paradox Party