Rildle - Acertijo for 2 golds

Day 2,466, 16:50 Published in Turkey Argentina by Sir Algaroth

Almoust English Version

if i got 3 weed cigarettes and i smoke 7 how many apples left for the blue unicorns???

Version Casi en Español

Si tengo 3 fasos y me fumo 7, cuantas manzanas me quedan para los unicornios azules??

funniest answer gonna won.

respuesta mas graciosa gana.

Premios Version en Español
me hinche los huevos con la espera asi que voy a pasar a pagar los premios

ganador gutasu o algo asi 2 golds
You have successfully donated 2 Gold. If the user accepts, the amount will appear shortly in the citizen account.
segundo premio miss silence
solo porque imagino que esta buena
You have successfully donated 3 Gold. If the user accepts, the amount will appear shortly in the citizen account.
Tercer premio el coti se lleva mis mas profundos respetos :cafe:

Prices (English version i guess)
i'm tired of this shi* so let finish it

winner gigatsu or something like that 2 golds
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second place miss silence, coz i imagine she's hot
You have successfully donated 3 Gold. If the user accepts, the amount will appear shortly in the citizen account.
3) Elcoti he won my simpathy (sure)