Rhone Alps more important then London

Day 886, 15:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by camcam

as you can see there the battle for the Rhone Alps was twice as important as the battle for London. Yet never the less Phoenix prevailed again!

the numbers are incredible with both sides both hitting with over 10 millon damage(the first battle this has ever happened in) and with over 28,000 gold predicted to have been spent on this battle. The fight cost over 2000 to declare and was over more then jsut high wood. It was the ultimate battle for dominance between EDEN and Phoenix and the liberation of Europe. This battle was intresting statistically for three reasons:

1) the overall damage

2) so much being spent on wellness boxes, and on top of that individual users did far more damage then usual(i.e. more and more it seems as if individual users are more important than the larger armies)

3) poland being 50 percent of the damage for EDEN

this third one is intresting becuase,whilst it was a polish held region it looks more and more like EDEN is becoming a one nation alliance, where as the damage for Phoenix was spread out across the board far far more(obviously france had the biggest hits since it was their region!)
So will smaller nations split from EDEN to not be bossed around by big poland?
or will big Poland cuase smaller countries to flock to it for protection?
only time will tell!
Oh and don't beleive the battles over
it started again
http://www.erepublik.com/en/battles/show/10116 😛
pelase vote and subscribe

facts found at: http://ereptools.net/battles/info/id/10076