RFA Congress Victory

Day 553, 11:37 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Radical Freethinkers Alliance

Hi all 🙂
Another edition of The Freethinker is once again gracing your shelves, today detailing the fantastic victories of the RFA in the recent congress elections.

On the 25th May, the RFA got prepared for the eUK Congressional elections. The result was far from guaranteed. With strong opposition, including a third of the House Of Lords, the RFA candidates began putting their final touches on their campaigns and hoping their incredibly hard work would pay off.

And it did pay off.

The RFA received third seats with ease, including Alexander Etch, who cruised to the top of his group in the South East and stayed their for the duration of their elections.
The other victorious members of our Alliance were Marcus Grim, being re-elected in the hotly contested region of the East Midlands and finally Paperback Writer being elected in London as a wildcard with an impressive 17 votes.

Unfortunately not all RFA candidates were as successful as those above, with Restro, an established congressman having been ousted from top spot near the end of the battle and narrowly missing out on a wildcard spot. Northern Ireland was a hotly contested spot this month so we congratulate Restro on his fantastic performance and wish him the best of luck next month

Along with our new congress seatings, the RFA also saw a dramatic increase in its support, with the votes drastically increasing since last month. This clearly proves the RFA is the people's party and that the RFA will change the face of British politics, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but at the next congress elections 🙂

Well done to all the successful candidates, commiserations to the unsuccessful. Maybe when more people vote on candidate rather than party, the RFA will fly to the upper tiers of eUK politics where it belongs
