Revolgod for Nebraska

Day 971, 14:37 Published in USA USA by revolgod9987

Hello everyone. Congress election time is almost here again. I am running under the USWP. And I am asking you to vote for me. Now I dont expect you to mindlessly vote for me so I will tell you why now.

As most of you have noticed in the new V2 economy system everyone aside from harvesteres are making almost no money. As a lvl 9 engineer I personally make about 2.55 usd a day, and Im on the better side of the bubble. I will work my hardest to help get our economy back and running asap so everyone can make a living.

I also have noticed over the last few days that our relationship with EDEN is the worst it's been in a long time. I believe that we need to work together with them so we can kick pheonix's @$$. But I dont believe we are their trained dogs to do whatever they say and not expect to be respected. I think we deserve respect instead of being trolled by our so called allies more than our enemies.

I also have in my almost year on Erep:

*I have been in the FUS helping new players move to fortress states in V1.

*I was part of the APF militia, part of ST6 and am now part of the Guardians of Order.

*I was a three term congressman from Kansas and last month had too much RL issues to realy try running again." />">" />" />