Revelation; Omega

Day 989, 15:56 Published in USA USA by system0101

I really regret writing this article, I only came back to vote for Fabius, as I had promised a week ago. But I feel that some things need to be said, ramble style.

SEES is Legion. It will consume you all.

A long time ago, I was working in State as the Dep Secretary of State and I was retained by the new Administration of Josh Frost. I had no idea who was to become SoS, Bradley Reala had stepped away for personal reasons, more than likely just needing a break. Those were hectic times, of which I would not wish upon anyone. Our friends, momentarily, became hostile, and our enemies looked at us like a Porterhouse mid-rare.

We find out the day of the election that Woxan was to be the new SoS. The remaining staff set to work on getting things ready for the new boss. We were hoping for a smooth turnaround. And he never came.

I PMd Woxan the password for #State, and the password for the Department of State org that I paid for, hoping to hit the ground running. We heard nothing on the 5th, we heard nothing on the 6th, and finally on the 7th (a monday IIRC) DisDick came in and let us know that Wox was SoS, someone else was DSoS, and he was State Chief of Staff. We all had a collective WTF. I wasn't so mad about being bumped down the seniority list, rather my beef was with a Department that had effectively came to a screeching halt. I had effectively been CoS as DSoS, and without real leadership we were rudderless.

As Brad was the person who was the "owner" of #State, he saw all this go down and we, collectively, had a bit of fun making a Shadow State and concurrently creating a group called B.R.O.S.

The former was meant to keep some cohesion in the wonderful group of players we had working in State, the latter was to have some fun at SEES' expense, and role-play some good guys. Well, for those of you who never heard of that group it was because SEES trolled it into oblivion, and some people left unnamed shouldn't be left to make a "SPR SRCT CHAN" if they don't know how 😃

As far as I know, I was the only original member of BROS that wasn't outed. So there's your revelation for the article 😛

And for some obligatory outright slander, Woxan a few months later did just as well as President as he did as SoS. He was coddled by his people, and didn't amount to much.

Fast forward to a couple months ago, all of this is ancient history, SEES is a political dynasty of which has not been seen in quite some time. All of their players are knowledgeable and gamers to the core. And they have a very short hit list of American players that they will ruin at all costs. That list is, in essence, BROS.

Bradley Reala
...and the rest I don't even remember, a few guys and gals from State and Interior from Oct-Nov '09...

The dogpile of Bradley Reala was premeditated by players that I individually like, but collectively they form a Voltron starfish of rage rarely seen outside of imageboards. It is a monster who will consume you all. And just as we dogpiled Woxan into resignation so many months ago, it came full circle onto a President who couldn't have done anything even if he tried. v2 was so much fail it's not even funny.

I don't hate any of those guys, and individually they bring the most fun to this game. Collectively, it is an unstoppable force that cannot be dealt with except on their terms. They even go so far as to say if AidenAstrup had not been in the race last month, or if KillingTime had entered a day sooner, that Brad would have never won. They may be right...

You can look forward to a coming SEES dynasty with glee, apprehension, or revulsion, depending on what side of the aisle you are on. But it will happen. They are too powerful to not have their guys installed in consecutive terms.

This is the anniversary of my eBirth. This is the anniversary of the election of my favorite president ever. And this is the day where this game can fuck off and die for all I'm concerned. I'll be leaving soon and won't have 'net until 2011, if ever. So have fun fgts, I'll be having mine in meatspace.