Returning to my roots!

Day 1,589, 09:10 Published in Ireland Ireland by DustDemon
Hello eIreland!

After a long time serving in the Irish Army i am now leaving and joining the ICA. Read the whole story and you will understand.

A long eTime ago.

It was December 2010 when i moved from eCroatia to eIreland (i had my reasons why i did that, and i never regret this decision). So there i was, a foreigner on the only eIrish IRC channel i could find #ireland. Strange new nicknames all around me, an unusual topic set on the channel, not a single word not, complete silence. I asked if someone can give me the link to an eIrish army channel, and some minutes after that there it was:

-strange new nickname-: here you go #eICA

Little i knew that i was sent to a paramilitary channel, the only other military formation in eIreland at that time. Those people took me in, made me one of them. It was strange at first, i talked little, i was insecure... Later as i got to know them it was like a dream. No commands, no "i am your master you must obey me" bullshit that i was used to in my old home of eCroatia.

Time passed by, and the IDF (Irish Defence Force) and ICA (Irish Citizen Army) worked together and made a new military unit the IA (Irish Army). So i ended up in this new unit with my old/new friends and things went better for eIreland as now it had a stronger military and i was proud to be part of it, to be part of my new homes history. Allies started to value eIrelands strenght and soon it became a recognized member of the EDEN family.

As the military units were introduced many other MU's were formed, so once again ICA was formed and many of my friends got back there. I decided to stay and help the young IA where i can, but i promised i will soon return to ICA. I gave this promise 7-8 months ago, so now it's time to fulfill that promise.

Unique eIreland

My biggest fear was that this clustering may lead to hostility among the MU's, to childish competitions and other bullshit, as i seen it back in my old home..., thank God i was wrong. eIreland is not strong because it has a lot of gold, or a lot of high strenght soldiers, it's strong because all parts of it pull together when things get out of hand.

So now that i have overcome my fear i can go back to my roots, back to the family that took me in.

A nice farewell to the boys and girls from Irish Army, it was an honor to serve with you. I wont forget you!

Yes i know i write for shit, yes i know many of you will just skip the long part and get to the end, but those people i served with in the IA deserve an explanation and an article for good bye.

And now as i go away, don't be mad, don't call me a bastard (that's a compliment by the way 🙂 ), but enjoy this little video IrishBhoy made back in the days when the IA had to show that there is no more fucking arround with eIre!

Irish Army in Ukraine

See you around o/

Luka Percac