Return of the CvP

Day 1,559, 11:27 Published in USA USA by Mattoze5

Hello eAmerica,

The return of the old Conservative Party is among us.

I know I've been gone for a while. In fact it has been almost a full year since I've been fully active on this game. Those of you who remember me: I'm probably going to wish that you didn't XD Nonetheless I know there are still some good old friends out there who remember me for what I actually did. Those of you who don't know me; I beg of you to actually learn about me by pming me and getting to know me on a personal basis rather than judging me on all the things some of the old vets of this game are going to slander me with.
The first one they will bring ups is that I am somehow a multi-account of or aid to Ajay Bruno/Pizza the Hut/(Whatever he is called now 😛 ) Not true. Wasn't true then, isn't true now, never will be true ever. I'll admit I talk with PTH on an RL basis; we even discuss this game sometimes. However, as I have told PTH in RL, I will never aid him in this game in any way. The honest to God truth is there is no reason to even want to 😛 He is hardly ever successful in this game, and whenever he is there is always someone stopping him. I ran for POTUS in the past under his party, but even then I did so in order to run under my own volition; not his. I choose to keep everything I do in my eRep life separate from him.

Some Good History

I have helped many parties in this game in the past and have a grand history with this game. I joined back in 2008, that's right over 3 years ago 😉 It's hard to believe it has been that long. I then became Party President of what was then the 3rd ranked party in the eUS, The Conservative Party, better known as the CvP. Despite all the Ajay conflict that went on during this time, I still remember the CvP as one of the happier and more exciting times in my eRep life; hence why I am making an attempt to resurrect it now for old times sake 😉 After the CvP caved, mostly due to conflict and WW3, I then moved to Canada and became the party president of the Canadian Paradox Party. After two terms as such I took a long break back into RL, but returned once more to become a major player for the USWP. While on the subject of the USWP, I would like to apologize for disappearing and becoming inactive in the manner that I di😛 There were some RL issues that became more prevalent so I had to stop 🙁 During nearly all of these stages of my eRep career I was at some point a member of Congress and have had some great life experience at what it takes to be a legislator and executive. Although my history in this game runs long and wide XD I hope to now explain what I intend to do next here.

The CvP Returning Maybe?

I decided to spend the gold necessary to remake the CvP for old times sake. Now I know a lot of people had issues with it in the past and God knows for many reasons, thanks to Ajay/PTH, it has a bad connotation now. However, I intend this to be a remake of the party of 2009: the Ajay/PTH free one; the one where a bunch of RL or in-game conservatives could rally together to have a grand old good time. I'm not expecting an influx of people, in fact, I have low expectations for this in all reality. Surprise me. Either way I will always feel a sense of identity with the CvP for the rest of my eLife.

Anyhow, keep on remembering the person behind the keyboard