Retrospektiva i Perspektiva / Retrospective & Perspective

Day 587, 11:05 Published in Serbia France by Vukasin Mileusnic

Posle dvomesecne okupacije od strane Atlantisovog protezea, eHrvatske, trenutak potpunog oslobodjenja domovine je nadomak ruke. eBalkan je jos jednom postao popriste sukoba u kojem Atlantis i PEACE nemilosrdno nasrcu jedni na druge, a okupirane provincije eSrbije bojiste izbora za sve koji bi da projektuju svoju moc na svetskoj pozornici.

Podsecanja radi, krvozedne divizije eHrvatske navrnule su preko granica nase otadzbine 30. marta ove godine, posle uspesne subverzije eHrvatske elite u eSrpskom parlamentu. Naime, na izborima koji su prethodili ovom krvavom ratu, dobro poznati eHrvatski prvaci su, koristeci se prevarama i manipulacijama, izotimali eSrpski parlament od vecinske populacije eSrba. Usledila je i pobeda na predsednickim izborima, kada je BorKan doveden na celo drzave nakon sto je jedini eSrpski kandidat na izborima zgodno dobio ban. Posle toga sve je bila samo stvar rutine. BorKan je povlacio eSrpske snage sa bojnog polja, i jedan za drugim su donoseni zakoni koji su upropastili privredu mlade nam drzave. Firme su napustane zajedno sa ognjistima u provincijama koje su do okupacije naseljavali eSrbi. Privredjivanje u preostale 2 eSrpske provincije je zapalo u duboku krizu pod jarmom preuzetog parlamenta. Rad se vise nije isplatio, i napredak je postao samo misaona imenica.

Da li onda treba davati razloge za egzodus eSrba koji je usledio? Delu populacije se perspektiva suzila toliko da su bolje poglede morali pronaci u rasejanju. Nove kompanije i fabrike su bile podizane u drzavama saveznicama, koje su srdacno i otvorenog srca primile novopridoslice iz opustosene eSrbije. Posle svega, autor ovog teksta je siguran da, dok se bude pisala istorija eRepublike, ta nesebicnost nece biti zaboravljena. eMadjari, eIndonezani, eRusi i svi dobrotvori koji su trosili svoju energiju i vreme da pomognu nama u casu potrebe, hvala vam u ime otadzbine!

Ipak, neumornim zalaganjem sada vec novoinaguiranog predsednika Lipeca, podrzanog od cele nacije resene da vrati ono sto joj je kukavicki ukradeno dok je jos bila u nastajanju, eSrbija je uspela da se uzdigne iz pepela i vec nedeljama aktivno pomaze PEACE koliko joj okolnosti dozvoljavaju. Zajednicko delovanje sa saveznicima je dovelo do novog nivoa organizovanosti medju eSrbima, koje je opet dovelo do visestruko povecane efikasnosti drzavnih aktivnosti. Kruna ovih napora su svakako rezultati minulih izbora. Sa potpunom kontrolom nad domacim parlamentom, koji je vec izglasao poreske promene, i vecinskom kontrolom nad neprijateljskim, perspektive deluju mnogo svetlije nego pre samo nedelju dana.

Medjutim, namece se pitanje "sta dalje?". Pred nama je jedno novo poglavlje istorije eSrbije, i od nas zavisi kako ce biti ispunjeno. Da li cemo u tekucem ratu uspeti da vratimo sve otete provincije, i ako hocemo, po koju cenu? Da li da pregovorima sa, donekle otreznjenom, eHrvatskom dodjemo do zeljenih ciljeva? Ili da se ne zaustavljamo do izlaska na more? Kazu da milost opasno flertuje sa slaboscu. Kazu da bi nas takav tok doveo do toga da nam se istorija ponovi, kada opet neko podstaknut sudbinom nekaznjene eHrvatske pokusa da nam uradi isto. Ako se pak odlucimo za nemilosrdno kaznjavanje onih koji su nam snove o srecnoj i prosperitetnoj drzavi pretvorili u kosmar, treba da budemo svesni i opasnih posledica. Istih onih posledica kojih je eHrvatska trebala da bude svesna kada je cinila svoja nedela.

Dileme ostaju da muce nase demokratski izabrane vodje, i na tome im nimalo ne zavidim. Ipak moram da istaknem da sam primetio specificno raspolozenje u domacem plebsu, raspolozenje koje vodjama ostavlja odresene ruke da stvar rese po svom nahodjenju. Za koju god opciju se opredelili, nacija ce imati razumevanja. Stoga je mozda najbolje zavuci ruku duboko u sesir pragmatizma, i zajedno sa saveznicima doneti najracionalniju odluku o buducnosti ovog krvavog konflikta.

i mali editorijal na kraju:
Ovo je prvi clanak Serbianne u eRepublici, i jedan koji cu nadam se pamtiti kao prvi od mnogih. Hvala nadleznim ministarstvima na pomoci koja mi je pruzena dok sam pocinjao kao ebeba u izmaltretiranoj eSrbiji.
Hvala i svim citaocima na subscribe + vote 😉
Pozdrav iz vikendice na Dunavu o/

=========================||||||||||||||E NGLISH||||||||||||||==================== =====

After two months of occupation by Atlantis protegee, the eCroatia, total liberation of our homeland is close at hand. eBalkan is once again conflict area in which Atlantis and PEACE are mercilessly battling each other, and the occupied provinces of eSerbia a battlefield of choice for all those who wish to project their power on the worlds stage.

A reminder, on the 30th of march, this year, bloodthirsty regiments of eCroatia swarmed over our borders after the successful subversion by the eCroatian elite in our parliament. That is to say, on elections that preceded this bloody war, well know eCroatian ring leaders managed to usurp eSerbian parliament by using deceit and manipulation. Victory on presidents election soon followed, when BorKan became the head of state after the only eSerbian candidate conveniently got banned on the election day. After that, it was only a matter of routine. BorKan withdrew eSerbian forces from the provinces thay were meant to defend, and laws that shattered the industry and economy of our young state were passed one after another. Companies and homes alike were abandoned in the provinces which had the major eSerb population until the occupation. Doing business in the two remaining eSerbian provinces descended into a deep crisis under the burden of the overtaken parliament. Work didnt pay, and progress became wishful thinking.

Do we need reasoning behind the eSerbian exodus that followed then? To the portion of our population, perspective narroved so much that they had to look for their fortune abroad. New companies and factories were being built in the allied countries, which full-heartedly and with opened hands embraced newcomers from desolated eSerbia. After everything that happened, author of these lines is confident that showed unselfishness wont be forgotten. eHungarians, eIndonesians, eRussians and all other benefactors who spent their time and energy to help us in our hour of need, thank you in the name of the motherland!

However, thanks to the heroic struggle of Lipec, the newly inaugurated president of eSerbia, supported by the whole nation determination to get back what was cowardly stolen while it was still in the cradle, eSerbia managed to rise from the ashes. In the past weeks she even took an active part in PEACE campaigns, as much as the circumstances allowed. Further more, working together with our allies has brought a new level of organisation to the eSerb population, which in turn brought to the increased efficiency of all government activities. The crown of this efforts is certainly the result of the elections behind us. With the complete control over the domestic parliament, which had already passed tax changes, and with the majority in the enemy parliament, our perspectives now do seem much brighter compared to only a week ago.

Still, the question "what now?" imposes itself. We have a new chapter of eSerbian history infront of us, and the way it will be written depends solely on us. Will we manage to get back all the usurped provinces, and if the answer is "yes", at what cost? Should we engage into negotiations with the, somewhat sobered, eCroatia in order to meet the desired goals? Or should we march until we reach the Adriatic sea coast? Some say that mercy is dangerously flirting with weakness. They say that such course would lead us to the history repeating itself, and have a really simple yet effective argument for it: leting eCroatia go with just a warning would send a signal to other nations preying on us, a signal that could be simply translated into "feel free to try to conquer us, you wont have repercussions even if you fail". If we, however, decide to mercilessly punish those who turned our dreams of a happy and prosperous state into a nightmare, we should also be aware of the consequences. The very same consequences that eCroatians should have been aware of, when they did their misdeeds.

The dilemmas stay to chastise our democratic elected leaders. Something i dont envy them on, not at all. Nevertheless, i have to point out that i'w noticed a certain mood in the domestic plebs, the mood which leaves untied hands for our leaders to solve the matter at their own best judgement. The nation will have understanding for whichever option they opt for. That being said, maybe it will be for the best if they tried to be pragmatic about it, and, together with our allies, made the most racional decision about the future of this bloody conflict.

and a small editorial:
This is the first article of Serbianna in eRepublik, and the one i hope to remember as the first of many. I would like to thank the appropriate ministries for all the help i was provided while i just started my first ebaby steps in the molested eSerbia. Would also like to thank all readers for the vote + subscription 😉
Greetings from the summer cottage on the Danube o/