Retraction - Mayhem Logs

Day 1,104, 12:20 Published in Canada Canada by Acacia Mason

Dycey Farley has called for a retraction. I give her one.

Apparently my attempt to poke some fun at some issues that have become just plain silly has set off a firestorm...what a surprise.

There are some internal issues being dealt with in TCO that have put old friends on separate sides. I have watched as people who use to be very friendly have now become worlds apart.

Then there is the CAF LSR call for inquiry. What started as a simple request quickly denigrated into stupidity by both sides.

Then there is Saltydog mocking everyone and everything with his Kangaroo Court and his constant calls for me to release Mayhem logs that don’t exist. Then he calls for a Congressional inquiry just so he can go toe to toe with me on my call for a CAF inquiry.

So in comes Mr. Keers with his release of Mayhem logs that have already been viewed by Congress several times over...Logs I released to Wes Lewis a way back when. So what happens? Once again, Saltydog...always trying to stir up a scandal, suggests there are more logs and asks what other Mayhem logs I am hiding.

So what do I do? I could write a long windbag article or I could do what I did...gather a few people (Wes Lewis, AngryMobMan, Powerown, Fox Blutch, Francois Pignon, and Aeriala) and invite them into the #secretz chat room for fun. So Wes and I think...hey, instead of getting all uppety about all the madness in eCan, why not just poke fun at ourselves, the CAF, TCO, COG and Saltydog by creating a fictional log and share it Keers style in the media. We hit on all the big scandal items and wrapped it all up in a mock transparency just for Saltydog! Heck, we even suggested he was involved just to poke even more fun.

It was far more enjoyable to laugh about the whole thing and the stupidity of it all, then to cry about it. I figured it would make for a funny read and those who were once at odds would see how silly the whole thing has become and perhaps take a step back and try to work together.

However, it seems that in eCanada, serious business is serious and there is no room for poking fun at yourself and others when the issue at hand is just so damn silly. Its a game...its taken me a while to figure that out and just stop worrying about it.

I guess my attempt to make the people laugh when it seemed some comedy was needed, was a bad call. For that I sincerely apologize to Dycey. I have held her in the highest regard for a long long time. I know in her heart of hearts that she knows that I was only trying to make her laugh and put the issues in TCO in perspective. I have nothing but love for Dycey and my decision to make up a mock log was solely to try and make her laugh at something that had become far too serious.

Hopefully one day we all reach a point where we can laugh at ourselves and the silly things we take seriously. I know I have been guilty of being far too serious many, many, many times. Its taken me a long time to reach the point where I can laugh at my own stupidity in this game (anyone remember the “The game made me a monster series”?) but at least I can say I am there...hopefully some of you will join me before this place goes to far beyond being, “Just a game”

Yours In National Unity,