Results of the !AK-47s for everyone! program

Day 650, 18:35 Published in USA USA by CaptainCAPS


That is the conservative estimate of the amount of damage the !AK-47s for everyone! program created. That number is based off the number of people recieving weapons (80), the number of Q1 weapons given (5 each), and the number of damage average, that each fight created (60).

The liberal estimate, however, is an even larger bombshell. If we estimate that each Q1 created an average of 80 damage, the program created 32,000 points of damage in california.

24,000 - 32,000 points of damage is VERY effective for a cost under 60 gold. Using the 1st Armored Divisions damage estimate for each gold given (300), 60 gold given to U.S marines would have created around 18,000 points of damage.

Damage aside, other things this project helped were rankings of U.S citizens. This program, being aimed at two-clickers, helped many reach new ranks, and helped others get closer to the next. All of this done by just giving 5 Q1 weapons to a person who normally would have fought barehanded.

Despite our loss in California, the Allies today are reaching evermore strategic goals. Such as the liberation of Asturias (if you could lend a hand down there, it would be much appreciated) and Ontario. The battle Indo launched 4 hours ago in arizona is bound to fail as all of PEACE is severly weakened by this mornings battle. Which means we regain initiative, and attack California again. This time, with the help of a resurgent Spain and Canada; and the aid of a weakened enemy.