Results of that spam I sent you: volume 2

Day 1,280, 19:12 Published in USA USA by xRoWx Triggers

Sup America

For this month, I was given the official job of running our country's Synergy poll, and I was quite excited over it. I figured that I should increase the scope of the survey, if only by a small amount, but every little bit helps. Or so I thought. Last month I sent 2500 PM's to American citizens, and 470 participated in my test survey, much to my exuberance. This month however, I sent 3000 PM's hoping that I would be able to get a better picture of what our country was thinking at the time. I was proven wrong though, as only 275 took the time to fill out the survey. After I finished crying, I remembered I still have to write this article showing the results of this month's survey, and so, without further ado, lets begin

(Some of the answers on the pictures don't come through all the way, so I will present the numbers below the graph as well as the picture. If you wish to check the numbers yourself, I will include a link at the bottom to all of the data.)

A lot of my questions will simply be a rehash of what you saw last month, because I wanted to see if these numbers would hold true over the course of a few months. I am not sure yet if I should do away with some of them for next month, or if I should keep them again and try to get an average number. Please tell me in the comments if you would like to see these kept or thrown away

For my first question, I asked you, "How did you come to Erepublik?" I wanted to see if last month's results would hold true for this month as well and for the most part, they did

Through an ad 94 (34😵
Through a referal 120 (44😵
Through a review of the game 60 (22😵

My results from last month had those coming through ad's they saw drop by 8%, and those who came after seeing a review of the game increased by 6% over the course of this month. I suppose the advertising budget for the admins ran a little dry this month. Also, I still have yet to see a positive review for this game, so wtf

Next, I asked you how many times you log into Erepublik each day

Once a day 53 (19😵
2-4 times a day 107 (39😵
5 or more times a day 108 (39😵
Every once in a while 5 (2😵
Rarely 1 (0😵

This month, the numbers of those who logged into erep once a day dropped by 16%, and the numbers of those who log in 5 or more times rose by 10%. This is interesting, as it shows that I do not really reach the 2 clicker audience as much as I should be, meaning I need to try and raise more awareness of how polls such as these help our country

Next I asked you how often do you fight

I fight every day 208 (76😵
I fight in important battles 26 (9😵
I fight once in a while 28 (10😵
I rarely fight 10 (4😵
I never fight 2 (1😵

The results from this month saw a 23% increase in those who fought daily over last month's. Once again, this shows that I am not reaching the 2 clicking audience as I should be, but I am reaching a good deal of active players at the same time, as only 40 less people chose this option than last month. Also, I am interested in seeing if this revolution will have any impact over the numbers of those who fight

Next, I asked how often do you fight with weapons of any quality

I use weapons whenever I fight 162 (59😵
I use weapons in important battles 32 (12😵
I use weapons once in a while 60 (22😵
I never use weapons 20 (7😵

I would write something here, but what I have to say has already been stated in one of the above paragraphs

Next, to actually change pace from something I did last month, I asked you if you have ever benefited from one of the government's citizen programs(IE: Meals on Wheels, Bewbs4Newbs, Mentor program)

Yes 113 (41😵
No 161 (59😵

What we are seeing here is a fairly even split between those who have used government programs in the past, and those who haven't. However, I would like you to keep in mind that these results are from mostly active players, not the 2 clicking demographic that these programs help out tremendously

Now, in a series of follow up questions, I asked, "If you answered no to the above question, why didn't you?"

I answered yes 117 (43😵
I did not know about the programs 59 (21😵
I thought it would be too much of a hassle 16 (6😵
I did not want to take away food or funds because I could supply myself 82 (30😵

The majority of the people who didn't take assistance seem to have done so because they wished to save those funds for someone else who might need them. P noble America. However, 21% of those who took the survey didn't even know of the programs existence, something that needs to be rectified to support player retention. Also 4 people who took this survey are liars. Just saying.

For my next question as part of a follow up, I asked "If you answered yes to the Citizen Programs question, how was your experience with the programs?"

They were speedy, and very helpful 61 (22😵
I got the food or mentor after a reasonable amount of time 40 (15😵
They took a long time to contact me, but I did get the help 10 (4😵
They never sent me the food or the mentor I asked for 7 (3😵
I answered No to that question 156 (57😵

The majority of those who received assistance seem to be satisfied with the programs, which is a very nice thing. 7 people though, were never helped at all, which is not a very nice thing. Also 5 people seem to have forgotten their answer from 2 questions ago. I'm just going to assume that it is some of the same people who answered yes to the last question

Next on my merry list, I asked, "What do you think of Emerick's overall term this month?" I know this is a question that I used last month, however I plan to keep it for every survey, as it seems p relevant

Great 48 (17😵
Above Average 74 (27😵
Average 59 (21😵
Below Average 8 (3😵
Poor 10 (4😵
I don't know enough about this month to form an opinion 75 (27😵

Of those who followed what was going on this month, the majority were strongly in favor of emerick's actions this month, with only 18 people saying that he did a bad job. The ratings from this month show a 18% increase of those who think emmy is doing a good job. I doubt that the void of 2 clickers missing from this poll would influence the outcome much, as most likely they would chose the final option anyway, but that is something that needs to be improved upon, and I will be sure to make it happen next month

Next, I asked, "Have you had any problems with Emerick's administration this month?"

Yes 29 (11😵
No 245 (89😵

Vast majority have not had a problem with the current administration this month, however 29 people have been seemingly slighted by it this time around. At least its an improvement over last month's 89

Now, in a repeat from last month, I asked, "Are you currently part of any of the eUSA's fighting forces? (IE: US Army, former US military, militia)" I do intend to remove this question from next month's poll, due to it being a fairly useless question, so don't worry

Yes 166 (60😵
No 108 (39😵

A fairly significant improvement over last month's results, but as stated before, many 2 clickers were absent from this skewing the numbers a tad bit

Now, onto the questions that you really took this survey for. A little bit ago, Croy started a shitstorm on the forums with a poll that didn't include a porter option, and I decided to copy him like the unoriginal bastard I am. I asked, "Have you ever had any confusion over the name of the former military(called the eUS Military), and the national military(called the United States Armed Forces)?"

Yes 45 (16😵
No 168 (61😵
I don't know about either 61 (22😵

In an almost landslide result, it seems that most have never been confused by the name similarity, making a point that was repeatedly made in that thread moot. Now, I would like to point out, in order to try to keep a stance of non bias, a lot of 2 clickers were absent from this poll as was mentioned many times above, and could possibly make the results of this question not entirely accurate. Which means that the discussion about this can continue ;_________;

Next, in order to touch on the other part of that porter-less thread, I asked you America, "Do you believe the eUS Military should change their name to try and avoid any confusion between themselves and the national military?"

Yes, this could confuse new players 90 (33😵
No, the eUS Military has had this name for years, and it shouldn't change 106 (39😵
I don't care 78 (28😵

Now this is the type of question that I like to ask. As you can see, there is an almost even percentage of those on all sides of the issue, with those in favor of having the name remain maintaining a slight lead. What I would like to point out as well, is the result from those who really don't care about a bunch of elites being elitists on either side. To them, I say, Bravo

Next, in a far less interesting direction, I asked, "Do you have an account on our national forums? ("

Yes 184 (67😵
No 90 (33😵

As you see, the majority have signed up on our national forums, which is a good thing. Not much more analysis I can put into this, as I have another question later on for that

As a super amazing and totally unexpected follow up question, I asked, "If you answered yes to the above, how active are you on it?"

I log in frequently and am a forum regular 48 (17😵
I log in once in a while to catch myself up on whats going on in our country 73 (27😵
I rarely go on 68 (25😵
I answered No 85 (31😵

Now, it appears that the majority who even go on our forums are not frequently active on it, and only a small percentage a forum regulars. Now, I wonder which one I fall into: I don't post all that often on the forums, yet I am constantly lurking and read most every thread. I suppose that makes me a regular, but i dk. Also 5 people lied. Again.

And now, for my final question posed, I asked, "If you answered no to the account question, why don't you have an account?"

I'm not active enough in Erepublik to really care 41 (15😵
I've never known the address to the forums 41 (15😵
I don't like the community there 17 (6😵
I answered Yes 175 (64😵

Now, while the majority says that they have an account, which is nice, what bothers me about this is the fact that 15% don't know the address to our forums at all, which is something that needs to be fixed as soon as possible. Also 9 people forgot their answer from 2 questions ago apparently. I think next month I should make a question asking if you are lying ;___;

I would like to thank you for reading this very tl;dr article. As it was with last month, I would appreciate any comments, praise, or criticism you can give me, as they will help me improve the poll for the next month. Also I do plan to increase the scope of my survey once more, seeing how little responses it received compared to last month, so I do hope that the problem of the lack of the 2 clicking demographic will be resolved by next time.

Here is the link to the survey's spreadsheet. To see it in graph form please click on the "Form" button, and then click on "Show Summary"

Tatty bye