Response to the touchdown_thomas' article

Day 1,594, 04:31 Published in Belgium Belgium by BrunoCND

Hi eBelgians,

In response to this article: touchdown_thomas article

I'ld like to make some clarifications.

"Bruno CND posits that the thing that the MoD needs is a diversity in time-zones.

Jonathan Clay argues that the Military needs reform to make the military more effective.

Although elaboration from both candidates would've been better, both seem to agree that the MoD needs improvement."

Just to complete, my position is to have full coordination and therefore more effectivestrikes.

"Bruno CND says: "Dialogue with other countries will also be on the same track to highlight the work already provided and to extend it."

Does he want to change something? Improve something? I really don't know."

Why you do not ask me more details? I would have replied that "and to extend it" for me it means improving relations with other countries by having active ambassadors and also working with their ambassadors.

For the MoFUN, no problem Jonathan Clay is right.


Bruno CND seems to give vague promises, most of them with none to little change at all. On the other hand, Jonathan Clay seems to have better ideas in running the country.

Other than the MoD and Foreign Affairs issues that he specifically addressed, he also plans on fixing the systemby appointing a delegation to improve the constitution."

If you asked me we could have talked. And you would have known that I would set up a volunteer team to review the constitution and laws that may be in opposition.

In conclusion, I do not claim to make you change your mind. I just want to present these clarifications that with one simple PM would have been provided.

It is true that my article was perhaps a little vague. But I do not think it was wise to write a detailed multi-page manifesto.

If have any questions or doubts why not ask?

Long life for Belgium!!

Bruno Cnudde
The Belgian Voice's Chief-Editor