Response to Mikrobi's article

Day 958, 07:16 Published in Hungary Serbia by gorgepir

I am a former Iranian MoFA and I see it necessary to respond to Mikrobi's recent article in eIranian media. I speak (write) as an ordinary Iranian citizen, I hold no official position in the current government.

First, I have to say that I dont understand the reason that you have published such an article in our media. Reading your article, I cant understand the reasoning at all. XXFXX is not an eIranian citizen, on multiple occasions has made fun of eIran and eIranians and by his own words does not consider himself eIranian at all. He may be originally from (RL) Iran, but in no way was he part of the eIranian society here, one thing he has proudly said many times.

Second, for what I know, about 2 months ago when I was the MoFA and representing Iran in the Phoenix IRC, I asked Frerk to remove him as an Iranian Emeritus, due to what I saw as his inappropriate behavior (similar to what you are saying now) and was told to "stop whining". He was later promoted as SG emeritus and due to his hard work became SG. As I pointed out this behavior before, I find it odd that now somehow it seems Iran is being accused of doing something wrong. Had you listened to eIran's feedback at the time, you might have avoided this situation. Instead the alliance chose to take the side of a citizen - not a founding nation.

So in short, this situation is the alliances problem, (since we foretold and warned about it before) and not Iran's, so your article in Iran has/will just result in damaging the Iranian-Hungarian relationship at this very important time.

We need to be strong and respect one another. That is the only way we should treat others, and I invite you to do the same.

So let us unite, and fight EDEN as the game is no fun without an enemy!