Respect Montenegro

Day 2,047, 08:51 Published in Montenegro Romania by five0ne

I salute you Montenegro citizens,

As you probably know, there was an accident that happened in real life in Montenegro last Sunday; and if not, you can find an article here:

To dear romanian people Montenegro!

I know in eRepublik our countries don’t necessary have a special relationship but the military unit "Soimii Patriei" which I have the honor to command, decided to send 8 of it's members as citizens of your country to fight for you! These soldiers are :


So for the next month (till the date of 24th) they will be citizens of your country and will fight for you!

I recognize the fact that many people say that real life should not interfere with eRepublik, but in this case we do not agree!

Respect Montenegro!


Commander Soimii Patriei


Pozdravljam sve ljude iz Crne Gore

Vjerovatno ste culi za saobracajnu nesrecu koja se desila u RL Crnoj Gori prosle subote,a ako niste, mozete procitati u ovom clanku:

Dragim prijateljima iz Rumunije

Znam da u eRepubliku nase zemlje nemaju odredjene odnose, ali VJ Soimii Patriei ciji sam ja komandant, je odlucila da posalje 8 vojnika koji ce se boriti na strani Crne Gore!

Dakle, sledeceg mjeseca (do 24.) oni ce biti gradjani Crne Gore i borice se za vas!

Znam da mnogi ljudi kazu da RL ne treba mijesati sa eRep-om ali u ovom slucaju se ne slazem sa tim misljenjem!

Respekt Montenegro!


Komandant Soimii Patriei