Resistance Wars: The Pros and Cons

Day 2,424, 19:47 Published in United Kingdom Poland by Lanthanide

I have always been very interested in the concept of a resistance war, yet I have never been one of the main supporters of one. I'd like to be, but every time I try to become a resistance supporter, it seems that a resistance has already begun, and I have to fight in it, just the same as anyone else. However, this doesn't mean I'm no longer entranced in the concept, and because of this, I'm dedicating this article to an in-depth study of the pros and cons of a resistance war.


1. Resistance wars are a grassroots effort.

I am a member of the UKPP, a center-right political party. The right are major supporters of grassroots efforts, of ordinary people working together for a cause they believe in. It's a beautiful thing.

2. Resistance wars are inexpensive.

Yes, resistance wars cost a hefty 10000 pounds. However, because the cost is split over 10 people, each person only ends up paying 1000 pounds, which isn't nearly as bad. Besides, it easily takes over 100000 pounds to fund a traditional war.


1. Resistance wars aren't nearly as supported by military units.

If you want to fight in a resistance war, you're going to miss out on the reward of completing your military unit's Daily Order, most likely. Resistance wars don't require the approval of the government, so the commanders of the military units, which, most of the time, are in cooperation with the government, often don't support resistance wars.

2. Resistance wars lead to sticky situations like what we have with Poland now.

As you may know, Poland recently quashed a resistance war set up to take back North West of England. However, Poland has basically ceded other territories by allowing the UK to declare traditional war, then letting them win. This is because Poland is a declared ally, which means that they're supposed to help us. So now, they have declared interest in staying in our land, which makes us question our alliance with them, and now Poland may be less likely to give us support if we get in a situation like what happened with us and the Argies not too long ago.

So in conclusion, resistance wars are inexpensive grassroots efforts that, if conducted correctly, can be extremely influential to the resistance's country, if not to the New World as a whole. However, if not conducted correctly, a single resistance war could lead to a country's demise. Therefore, I ask that all Brits embark upon resistance wars with a great amount of caution. I may question getting involved in one myself, come to think of it.