Res Publica

Day 1,976, 16:29 Published in Greece Greece by Black Sonia

The idea of writing this article came up when i read
Amvlad's article.
It is not in my intention to take part in the contest, but to share
something with you , that i think you might find it useful,in rl.

Many many years before Amvlad, Sonia Jasmin, before erep, before all of us and all of real us ,a man had the same question...
How would a perfect society be ? What's its definition ?
That man was , in fact, PLATO! A great Greek philosopher who's name was given to the good old Plato we all know here in erep.

Plato wrote a story about Socrates and his friends, having a long conversation , in the house of Polemarxos , in Pireas , in 421 B.C.
A conversation that was long enough that prompted Plato to write 10 whole books!!! These 10 books constitute the famous ''Res Publica''

I would never place myself as such an intellectual reader of this great philosopher nor that i can fully understand the magnitude of his work..
I won't tell you what i think a good community should be..
But i will try to provoke your thought , have you do all the work in your own head!

Res Publica
THE STATEMENT: The ideal society is based on four virtues

Justice. How could you define Justice?
Is it the law of the strongest that always prevail? Or that justice is just a social pact, because both fair and unjust would do the same thing if they knew that wouldn't be caught?
Socrates insisted that justice is inevitable , always vigilant , always present and whoever thinks that can escape is deceiving himself . It might take time but eventually it will ''get'' you and the price will be bigger for the ''big'' and ''strong''.
A rightful man , who is just , will seek for truth and recognize the good.

Prudence. Only men that are prudent have the ability to drive a country , like a captain his ship , through ''heavy seas'',because they observe , hear , watch , evaluate all circumstances, when all their ''sailors'' do is just mock and ignore the signs..

Bravery. Plato thought that in order to succeed social stability and bliss , anything should and must be done. Even if a lie should be told , a brave man must do it. He calls it the ''brave lie'' and through the characters of his story , Socrates and his friends, recites the tail of the city Kallipolis where a brave lie was told...

Wisdom. Knowledge is the key.Knowledge should be our supreme aspiration.
But Plato implies that isn't enough for someone to be a wise man..
He must share his wisdom with the rest of the people in order for the whole community to thrive! How can someone get upset with people's ignorance, why he wonders when his country is suffering, when he holds the truth only for himself??

''When philosophers will reign over and royals philosophize, only then people can succeed happiness''

P.S=This game is a miniature of our real society.
Into this miniature our advantages and disadvantages, as individuals,tend to become bigger , than in real and overcome the needs of us as a team, a unit, a country, in game.
If we want to build the ideal e-society, we must look for the ideal e-people...people with no disadvantages!