Res Belgica Primaries: The Results!

Day 1,624, 23:06 Published in Belgium Belgium by Bert_en_Ernie

With 11 people who voted out of 100 members I don’t really want to call these primaries a success. It really shows how difficult it is to get people involved even if you hold elections in game. But since these primaries are still binding and everyone had the chance to vote here are the results:

There were 4 options and here are the votes everyone got. I will put it in percentage so it looks like a lot of people voted 😉!

*Mittekemuis is the winner of these primaries with 73% of the votes.
*Second is the option supporting no-one with 18% of the votes.
*Third is DonMatteo with 9% of the votes.
*The option supporting someone from another party didn’t receive any votes.

So I wish our candidate Mittekemuis good luck in the upcoming elections!

Party President of Res Belgica!

P.S.: All comments on the concept of the primaries are always welcome so we can improve if it for the next time.