Res Belgica Means Change

Day 822, 20:39 Published in Belgium Belgium by Belgian Revolutionary Party

Congress elections are coming up again, and a lot has changed in eBelgium in the last month. Our government made quite an effort rebuilding our nation one brick at a time, it realized some achievements and experienced some setbacks. But the slow and difficult process of getting a consensus in a government consisting of two fractions with conflicting interests was noticed by many citizens. Many feel that a third, impartial voice is needed to balance the two opposing fractions out. This third alternative could be Res Belgica.

As a party that has no connections with any foreign government and no global alliance orientation, Res Belgica is situated right in the centre of the political spectre and has always maintained an unbiased and neutral attitude, ready to cooperate with whoomever shares our mission of safeguarding the souvereignity of our country. Rooted deep in the eBelgian soil, Res Belgica has also always taken a special interest in young Belgian players, especially during the difficult times in exile before the independence, strongly believing that young players are the future of our nation. At the same time Res Belgica acknowledges the cosmopolitic character of eBelgium, as a melting pot of cultures and a home for people with different backgrounds, united by one common goal - a strong, independent and neutral eBelgium.

If you feel that the efficiency of our government is crippled by its lack of constructive cooperation and calm communication, consider that there is an alternative - Res Belgica, a truelly neutral party for a neutral nation.