Republican Congress article- RPA-MANIA

Day 826, 09:47 Published in Australia South Korea by Comrade Robb

In our bid to gain a say in national poltics the RPA is throwing two of our best into Senate.

COMRADE_CALLUM- ( link to Congress article:


Also the RPA is endorseing Frymonmon for Congress in Victoria
Following are his main policies

"Low Taxes:
With lower taxes allowed to everyone, this would no doubt put more money into the hands of the general manager, which will allow them to explode the salary of their workers, which will then allow that person to buy more things, increasing the profits of the general managers and the cycle continues until everyone is rich and has a lot of good things for themselves. This is equality.
Smaller Government:
The idea that Government can decide how best to spend your money is absurd. The role of Government is to do nothing more than conduct international affairs, run a well-staffed military, and to provide for the general welfare of the citizens. This means to run the government responsibly and to keep the citizens safe from all threats, foreign and domestic.
Strong Military:
While I support a military strong enough to combat all invaders of our country, and to provide for the general support of allies overseas, I DO NOT support a military state where everything is run, and centered around the military.
Foreign Policy:
I support the EDEN alliance and all of her members and suggest that Australia must enter into a more aggressive stand on other counties. We should more forge new and better relationships with our current allies, and we must take all the steps we can to block our enemies advancement.
Domestic Policy:
I support the use of a Q5 Hospital in every Australian state as well as a Q5 Defense System in the states of South Australia and New South Wales. I also believe in a local government system, where Premiers are elected to watch over their state/territory. The Federal Government should relinquish some of it's power to these new local governments. This will assure the population of each state has their own say in how their state is run."

We advise all Victorians to vote for Frymonmon this Election as he is a sterling chap with a great mind who will do what is right for this country