RepsaJ for Presidency!

Day 590, 13:33 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by RepsaJ

Hi readers,

President election day is coming up. And at the moment there are 4 candidates. Frerk, Peter Green, Sikke and RepsaJ. In this article I will talk about the last one, myself. The main thing is what is Presidency? Is a President important? How will the next President use his power in our country?

Fact is we have congress elections where we choose party's on base of there opinions. The biggest party will appoint a First-Minister that will lead that club. So why do we need a President then?
The President is the player that will look after the First-Minister and his cabinet. The president shouldn’t interfere in the program made by the coalition. The president gives tips or advice, and checks if the government does a good job. So the President should be a communicative and a experienced player. But that is not the only task of our President.

He should talk to other eNations and try to hold Peace with them. Or when the politics ask it, declare war to another nation. The president must be a trustful person. Someone who communicates well with the First-Minster and the Minister of Foreign Affairs. A president should be a smart diplomat and should be skilled in that.

And as always he must try to make this union a good union! For everyone!
RepsaJ has made the party GVD for what it is now. He has enough experience with Dutch politics to try to run for presidency. He has made some foreign contacts over the last months. He is active enough to take this task.

I hope you will vote for me next elections. I hope I have made a clear view of my statements.

Greetz RepsaJ