Reports - 20th October 2011

Day 1,430, 16:24 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Walters1989

'Welcome to the recently revamped Phoenix Business Journal, your source for all things pertaining to Phoenix Enterprises' news and events. The publication of this edition marks the completion of our re-imaging rollout announced at an earlier date. Changes to this publication include:

- Better Visuals
- Bi-Weekly Financial Reports
- More accurate and sensitive accounting system and analysis

Please enjoy our publications and leave feedback as to your impression of the new format.'

Phoenix Enterprises are happy to announce the upgrade of our flagship food company "Market Garden Foods" which completed its upgrade from a Q1 to Q2 production centre on Wednesday 19th October 2011.

'As per the completion of our rollout we have emptied the company accounts to allow the new systems to work as desired. This will act as the starting point for all future editions of this publication and these reports.'

Blackwell Publications Inc. has now proven to be a fruitful enterprise for Phoenix Enterprises. Over the last few weeks two commissions have been requested which secured a net income of 1,750 GBP with potential for future work.

As always Blackwell Publications have successfully created links with prominent players, government officials and other bodies many of whom have shown interest in taking advantage of our wonderful service.

If you are interested in commissioning an article through Blackwell Publications then simply provide a brief to Walters1989 detailing what information you would like and any images you wish to be included.
Within 24hrs we shall provide a quote which you can accept or decline. Why not?

You could be sitting down with a cup of tea while our dedicated and experienced writers ensure your article is written in an articulate and professional manner. Why not call on Blackwell Publications? Dedicated, Professional and Reliable!

Greetings Friends,

Suffice to say I am happy that we have finally completed our revamp and can reveal the new 'Phoenix Business Journal'. I am very happy with a number of our divisions including Blackwell Publications and our flagship food company 'Market Garden Foods'.

Since there is not much for me to comment on, due to the nature of this being the first edition under the rolled out system, I've decided to use my segment to thank a number of individuals for their ongoing help in our company’s success.

Firstly I would like to thank TitanSmash and the Trade Federation, whose guidance and support have been greatly appreciated. May I say that it is through players such as Titan that we find the cornerstone of what makes the eRepublik experience so great. Titan, Dr. Rosa and the recently departed Mattyw106 have provided the eUK with an invaluable asset in the Trade Federation and for their sacrifice, hard work and initiative I salute them all.

I would also like to extend for the same reasons my gratitude to Emergy Maxfell whom I consider a friend within this eWorld. Emergy's support, for myself and others, has been a great asset to all of the eUK and should he need any assistance in the future he shall be forever welcome through Phoenix Enterprises' virtual door.

Last, but by no means least, I would like to thank all customers of Phoenix Enterprise products, including those whom have engaged with Blackwell Publications Inc. It is you guys which enable our company to grow and I would welcome any of you into my virtual house.

Thank you all for taking the time to read this journal and I hope to have good news in the next edition of our newly formated publication due to publish on the 3rd November 2011. As always please Vote, Sub and Comment to let me know how you like, or dislike, the new formats.

Kindest regards,

CEO Phoenix Enterprises
CEO Blackwell Publications Inc.