Reporting live from the Irish Front. D.I.R to return to War Coverage

Day 992, 19:47 Published in USA Australia by Aeros

Since there has been a dramatic lack of war reporting of late, I figured I should dust off my old reporters hat and start covering the wars again, since understanding what is going on is of such critical importance to enjoying the game. Over the past few months, I have not really bothered because things are so much more complicated now then when I first started war reporting. Everyone is attacking everywhere, and it got too difficult to report on everything. To fix this problem, D.I.R will now devote a daily edition to each war individually, rather then attempt to cover everything at once.


For those who have not been following the events of the last several weeks, numerous wars erupted shortly before the start of the V2 migration. One of those conflicts is the war between Ireland and the United Kingdom. Despite RL difficulties, Ireland the UK had maintained a peaceful relationship for the entire duration of the games history. This peace was never destined to last though, due to the simple fact of Ireland’s location between North America and Europe. Ireland and the United States had always maintained good relations, and following the USA’s split with EDEN Ireland became a member of the Brolliance, a movement that put them at odds with the enemy America loves to hate, the UK. Simmering tension over Northern Ireland would also come to fore as the casus belli for Ireland assisting in moving Poland to North America through the United Kingdom.

This move was the start of the Ireland/UK war (we need a better name). Despite furious efforts by the British, Ireland emerged triumphant from the conflict by moving Poland through its territory and capturing the Northern Ireland territory. The UK would go on to recapture Northern Ireland, but this would not be the end of the conflict. In a fit of pique some few days ago, the outgoing Irish President opted to attack UK home territory and activate the MPP stack. Britain obliged and invaded Ireland, capturing its capital of Dublin while hanging on to its territory in Northern Ireland. With the Irish Capital seized, the UK chose not to continue its advance, perhaps in order to support its allies in other battle sectors.

Without the UK preserving initiative, Ireland launched a counter attack into Dublin, though a bug had their one MPP (the USA) dropped. It was literally Ireland alone against the major powers of the Phoenix Alliance. Not to be daunted, the US Military deployed to Ireland within minutes of the battle beginning. Led by the US Airborne, Irish and American forces drove deep into the Dublin region where they encountered minimal British resistance. By the end of the first two hours, the entire map had been secured by the Brolliance. As dawn rose in the UK, the British realized they were actually losing despite all their MPP’s and launched a counterattack. Heavy fighting raged throughout the day between Irish and British forces. While Britain was able to regain most of the map, Ireland was able to maintain a military presence on the field and near the capital hexagon, setting the stage for the Brolliances final push in the final hour of the fight. British resistance crumbled in hour 22 and by the hour 23 the Brolliance once again controlled the map. No meaningful Phoenix assistance arrived, so it was clear they had written off this fight as unimportant.

The victory has once again restored Irelands sovereignty over its entire original territory, however this war is far from over. At this point the Irish have 24 hours to continue their offensive or risk another British attack, which is almost certain to come. The MPP stack activated against Ireland remains daunting so there is a genuine incentive for the Brolliance to consider the possibility of a full blown Irish invasion of Britain proper. There is the chance that Britain could be relegated to an unimportant status to other concerns such as the ongoing conflict in Romania and Hungary. Even if unsuccessful, an Irish invasion of the United Kingdom would prove to be an annoying drain of Phoenix resources as it would be certain to occupy the attention of the UK to the detriment of other battles. The gross disparity of size between Ireland and the UK would also make this gambit an attractive move for both EDEN and the Brolliance.


Stay subscribed to D.I.R for further updates in the week ahead as we explore…

The Spanish-Mexican war. Spain, Mexico and Brazil are fighting for control of Central America. At stake is a whole lot of oil and pride.

The Romanian-Hungarian Conflict, also known as World War 1, has been raging unchecked since beta. Guess what, they are still fighting!

The Sino-Serbian War. China has freed North Korea from Russian clutches and has brought Poland to Asia. The stage is set for an epic clash in Liaoning as Phoenix desperately struggles to preserve its hold on the coveted pillar of Asia.

The Skynet War- Indonesian bot farms have invaded Australia, Malaysia and Thailand. India could be next, and its coveted region of Karnataka placed in Jeapordy. The East Asian nations are fighting for survival, and even tiny Singapore is attempting to build a military in anticipation of a fight for their very existence.

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