REPORT ABUSE: ADMIN [RELOADED: Deleted Article Included]

Day 426, 03:18 Published in Spain Spain by Bolonia

I feel abused. You want to know by whom? YOU.

Yeah, you. I told you everything I knew, helped "fix" the bug with all the necessary information and what do you pay pay me with, deleting my article? What for? I demand to know the reasons behind this censoring.

I thought this game was based in freedom of speech. If I cant even write, this game is not worth it anymore. And dont expect much more from the spanish community: its the average feeling. This looks more like its Gomorra than the New eWorld.

My regards

Im afraid I dont have a copy (nor in english, nor in spanish). I didnt expect it to be deleted. Furthemore, I spent the afternoon talking with admin, and he didnt even suggested deleting the article. That's why I didnt keep a copy.
Luckly, a clever friend kept a copy. Here it is:

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"Por fin saltó la liebre. El "truco" para conseguir GOLD ilimitado, que no es sino un simple exploit del juego, ya ha sido desvelado con sus consecuentes resultados.

eRepublik is DEAD

Al menos para mi, el juego ha dejado de tener sentido. Ni aunque reseteasen los perfiles, o empezásemos de cero. No merece la pena.
Ha sido un placer disfrutar del juego junto a vosotros. Me lo he pasado genial construyendo este castillo de arena, aunque ahora una ola lo sepulte de golpe.

La decepción que me llevo es grande pero me voy satisfecho. Ya sabemos porqué ATLANTIS no fue capaz de superar a PIS, o porqué ciertos susodichos hacían 20.000 puntos de golpe, porqué eEspaña no fue capaz de aguantar la embestida italiana...

Mañana eR estará saturado, las monedas locales habrán desaparecido de los mercados, se habrán creado innumerables empresas y nos encontraremos, como colofón final, con innumerables RW y sus respectivos héroes de 20k o, quién sabe, hasta 30k.

De momento, me ausentaré. No quiero ser partícipe de semejante falacia. Hoy en día, eR no es más que una gran mentira.

Si encontrais algún otro juego que merezca la pena, avisadme.
Hasta entonces, un placer
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Well, we finally found out about the "cheat". Yes, the "cheat" that allowed us to multiply our gold again and again. No wonder we saw people with just about strenght 7 and dealing nearly 20.000 damage points in a battle. What now?

eRepublik is DEAD

The game has lost all the things that made us love it in the first place. There is nothing that can be done now. No matter what the admins do (restart the parameters, ban all the cheaters, etc.) the game is over.
Its been a real pleasure playing with all of you guys. I have had loads of fun playing this game, and I really enjoyed.

But now, Im really pissed off. I feel betrayed by the game. At least now, I know why PEACE managed to resist ATLANTIS' attack and why eItaly could defeat us in battle. You are all a big band of cheaters.

Tomorrow the game will be over. No local currencies will remain in the market, thousands of new high quality companies will appear and loads of new RW. I also expect a competition for who is going to be able to deal more damage in one battle. 20k? 30k? WHO CARES!?

Ill be missing for a while, at least till the admins manage to fix (which I honestly doubt). I dont want to be part of this stupid joke. Its all a big lie.

If you find any other valuable game, one that is worth the trying, Ill gladly give it a try
My regards