Reply For You

Day 916, 01:34 Published in Australia Indonesia by MissShe

Don’t blame the love, cos it’s not guilty
Blame this ego which can not loving
Don’t blame the love cos it doesn’t want to be blamed,,
Just blame the ego that refuses to be loved,,
Blame this heart that refuses to be filled,,
Our pathway doesn’t pass through there..

There is more beautiful way, eternal and humble ones
Only that I can give to you, I blame myself because I can’t repay your love.
But this heart is too small to mend your big love,,
I won’t let you fly without the winged wings
I’ll promised to be there when your heart got hurt.

I will keep all of your expressions in memories,,
because love is a gift that can not be circumvented
I didn’t mean to refuse your love,
but I beg you an apologize,,
your love and the honesty,,
bring the compassion to myself,,

please go there,,
I wish you found your true love there,,
Along with the time passes by,,
And I am so apologize for can not take on your love..

im sorry to let you wait until this 2 month..

with all of my eye drops