Repeat After Me: New Citizens

Day 637, 19:44 Published in Greece Greece by Weasle

I do so solemnly swear,

That my complete and utter loyalty now belongs to the sovereign nation of Greece.

That this nation of people united and free so accepting of me and my role in this democracy, will henceforth defend this land against all enemies.

That if given the choice between my land of origin and this land which has welcomed me, Greece will win every time.

That I understand the burden of responsibility that comes with the benefit of voting. That I am now completely and utterly give my life and soul to the sanctity of this nation, to the fight against any evil both inside and out, and to never give up in my pursuit of a better Greece.

That if given the chance to give up and move away, or bite the bullet and stay, when the time gets tough, I will choose the hard way every time.

That Greece, will be, now, and forever, My life, My love, My Home, My Eden.