Removal of the green subscriptions box

Day 816, 10:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Max Blue
I'm sure I'm not the only one to notice the removal of the green subscription inbox on the left of the screen, but I have seen relatively little said about it.

In fact for something that is as important as this, the lack of response is shocking. Now on looking I have seen the subscription inbox is not even on the homepage where it was!

What is the reason for this change?

I can see no possible reason for the change as there appears to be no real gain for anyone in this move. Therefore I see it as a simple change back that is required.

Admins please don't change things for the sake of change. Some of us like this game a lot, but changes like this that you will probably claim are to help retention are daft. The new econ and war modules are what will keep people playing. 😉

What you can do

If you want to see the subscription scheme back in the toolbar on the left of your screens (below the alerts box) please write ' signed ' in the open letter to the admins.

Thank you for reading and feel free to subscribe for future editions of my paper...