Remember to Vote Tomorrow

Day 674, 08:49 Published in Australia USA by Chris Stanwick

As most of you know, tomorrow is the Congressional election day. Voting is an important aspect of eRepublik because it is the average citizen’s primary method for influencing future policy making. It also gives you an extra experience point.

Once again, I ask for your vote in Tasmania tomorrow. I am running as a member of the True Blue Party and experienced former Congress member. Since the campaign began, I have published a few articles about the election that I’ll list below so that you can read them if you have not yet.

G’day Tasmania!

What Congress Can Do

A Response to the Comments

Feel free to read the other articles I have published recently as well, they provide some interesting information about game mechanics.

Remember to vote tomorrow to do your national duty and gain an extra experience point. Vote Chris Stanwick for Congress in Tasmania!