Relation Between Import Tax And Strength Of Local Currency

Day 442, 10:01 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon

There has been a bunch of debate over whether the import tax should be raised or not. Most critics of a higher tariff cite that it would increase the price of goods and prevent American citizens from getting the cheapest possible goods. Proponents argue that a higher tariff will help out American companies and strengthen the USD. Now here are some statistics I found from the top 6 countries

Cheapest q1 Food- 1.61 USD (0.02415 gold)
Conversion Rate- 0.015
Import Tax- 15%

Cheapest q1 Food- 0.78 ESP (0.025 gold)
Conversion Rate- 0.032
Import Tax- 99%

Cheapest q1 Food- 1.32 RON (0.02376 gold)
Conversion Rate- 0.018
Import Tax- 99%

Cheapest q1 Food- 0.75 IDR (0.2075 gold)
Conversion Rate- 0.027
Import Tax- 99%

Cheapest q1 Food- 1.41 HRK (0.02679)
Conversion Rate- 0.019
Import Tax- 99%

United Kingdom
Cheapest q1 Food- 0.79 GBP (0.0205 gold)
Conversion Rate- 0.026
Import Tax- 50%


Now before you go and try and attack the numbers with this all Franco's fault keep in mind that food prices and the price of USD are at about the same level they were BEFORE the theft of the reserve. The reserve may of been empty but the markets did not take a huge hit from it. As you can see the U.S. has by far, the lowest import tax and the weakest dollar compared to the other top 6 countries. Also food in the U.K. and Indonesia is almost 20% cheaper despite import taxes of 50% and 99% respectively.

Now a few months ago we were short on food and how to lower the import tax but as of now we have more then enough q1 food to supply ourselves. The reason we needed foreign imports back then was that once V1 came out many people flocked to raw material companies where they were paid insanely high wages like 50 USD for a 0 skill worker. When this happened we lost skilled food employees and the supply dwindled dangerously low. Over time this has balanced out and now we have more then enough food to support ourselves yet we still allow foreign companies in who hinder the growth of the USD.

I am not saying that we should raise our tariff to 99% but 15% is way too low and we are not seeing much benefit from it.

Just some food for thought for congress