Rejoice for the Royal Heir George Alexander Louis! JOIN THE PARTY!

Day 2,078, 14:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by berkbbx3

Dear fellow Subjects to Crown and Citizens of State,

A few days ago our Great nation celebrated the new royal heir being born. But our future king might not reach his destiny, as discontent and the rise of the pro-secular moment continues. Our Party, the Royalist Ultras, is recruiting. Come all ye faithful! As Party President I offer many places as the previous Party President ruined the party, making a 14 member base all the way down to 3 members in 2 months. All posiitons are open, please message me and join the Royal cause, for what is Great Britain without a Monarch? The Republic of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland...sounds a bit boring, doesn't it? JOIN UP!