Regional Loyalty

Day 673, 10:45 Published in Australia USA by Chris Stanwick

My last few articles have been rather long, but I appreciate all those who read and voted on them. This article will be considerably shorter and is not directed at any particular nation or player. If you cannot be bothered to read the whole article, I summarized it in one sentence at the bottom.

There have always been players who refuse to move from their starting regions to a region with a Q5 hospital due to their loyalty to their RL home. Although they might be in a region with a low quality or no hospital, they stay despite numerous articles and threads about the benefits of moving to a Q5 hospital region. These are the same players that will often shout out that the government should place a Q5 hospital in every region…or at least in the region the shouter lives.

These players do not fully contribute to society. Their wellness is lower on average, meaning their productivity and damage is less than it could be, and they cannot fight as often as other players, if at all. They refuse to move to a Q5 hospital region to maximize their wellness, productivity, and damage. Why then, do some nations cater to these “less than useful” citizens by placing a Q5 hospital, which can cost up to 300 gold, in more than two or three regions (depending on the nation’s size)?

Make those citizens come to the Q5 hospital, don’t bring the hospital to them. Moving tickets cost considerably less than Q5 hospitals, and there generally are not sufficient citizens to warrant the extra expense. eRepublik is a game, albeit one that transposes the real world onto a game map; regional loyalty has no place here. If your loyalty to your RL region is so strong that you refuse to move from the barren wasteland of a region it is in eRep, then you might as well quit the game now because you’re not going to accomplish much in this game.

One sentence summary: If you live in a region without a Q5 hospital, move to one that does have one to contribute to society and accomplish something in the game.