Regional Council: Weekly Report

Day 117, 08:29 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Empire Corporation
Regional Council: Weekly Report (Election Special)

Council has had a rather quiet week. Though the council did make a swift decision on what region got the eUK’s first ever Q3 Hospital. It was a relatively easy decision to make as it was only right the capital city got the Hospital.

Following the unveiling of the first Q3 Hospital the Mayor of London (Titus) declared that he is not running as a Mayoral candidate this coming election. The council thanks Titus for his services as mayor of London and wishes him well in whatever he decides to do with his eLife.

Local Elections

The local elections are only a few short days away. You will be voting for mayors that will represent your region in the council. It is important that you pick an active and dedicated mayor so vote carefully. If you vote in an inactive mayor your region will not get a voice in council. Like last election when the people of Norwich and Cardiff voted in mayors who decided they did not want to be part of council.

Once the elections are over the new batch of mayors will vote for a Regional Council President and a new session of council begins.

End of Session

This will be my last weekly council report. As I am not running for Mayor of Belfast again. This is because of my new position within The Unity Party coupled with the fact I am now a General Manager. With all of this it is only fair I step down as a Mayor so another person can get his first political break.

I must thank all the citizens of Belfast for making my job as Mayor so enjoyable. I have enjoyed interacting with you all and hope your new mayor does a great job because this region is special.

-Final Destiny: The Unity Party: Vice President