Regional Council: Weekly Report.

Day 110, 10:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Empire Corporation

The Sunday report is here to keep you citizens updated on the council’s activities over the past week. The Regional Council has been up and running for 2 weeks now and has been busy working on the following:

New Q1 Hospital Placement:
The Mayors voted for the first time were they believe a Hospital should be placed. The results were as follows:
Belfast: 2
Leeds: 0
Newcastle: 4
Nottingham: 0
With Mayors not allowed to vote for there own regions. Newcastle came out on top and now enjoys a Hospital in their region.

UK Forum Reform:
As council president I have put forward to the admins a way to re-organise the forums so they can be instantly accessed by new citizens. While keeping spies out of sensitive areas of the forums. The reform would also see a new structure to the forums that will be easier to understand and much less confusing for new members.

New Q3 Hospital:
The council today are debating the fate of the new Q3 Hospital. All Mayors are advised to join the debate and be your regions voice in the council forums.

Of course there is also the sad news that 2 Mayors have still not even bothered to turn up Robert Edwards of Cardiff and Bandit of Norwich. These 2 Mayors have let down their regions and we hope that unless they buck up their ideas there parties do not consider them for Mayor positions next time.

Also the Council would like to remind all citizens to sign up to the eUK forum with your Erepublik usernames: