Regarding Russian support for Slovakia

Day 718, 08:19 Published in Serbia Pakistan by kotekzot

Greetings, friends. I’m the ex-MoFA of eRussia and the man largely responsible for a part of our army fighting in defense of Slovakia. I imagine it has been as painful for you to find yourselves on the opposite sides of the barricades with your brothers as it was for us. James Noring, our current MoFA, has been assured by Kistru that the government of Serbia does not hold any grudges against Russia. I hope that can be said for all Serbs as well. I understand that you share a bond with Hungary, and I respect that, but I believe that the attack on Slovakia, a neutral country, was opposed to the purpose of PEACE GC and quite unseemly, and I stand by what I believe, much as you do. I hope we will not have to see a war between two friendly countries in the future. There are some issues between Russia and Hungary, but I’m sure they are nothing that cannot be solved with a little diplomacy. We were not fighting against Hungary, but in defense of Slovakia.
Don’t let anybody fool you – Slovakia is not, and most likely never will be, in EDEN. We have been offered to join the Mushroom Wars held by the Czech Republic and Slovakia, but were asked by PEACE to postpone it until they sort out their training wars. Indeed, we wish to create the Slavic Union to prevent attacks on our brothers from happening in the future.