Reelect von Phalz in Arizona

Day 697, 15:01 Published in USA USA by Rheinlander von Phalz

Jamie O’Neal would have you believe that Arizona is a land of broken promises and false hope. I must disagree with the country music singer; Arizona was promised an active, dedicated Congressman, and one was delivered. In accordance with my first campaign platform, I have fought against disastrous infrastructure proposals and maintained the use of reason in foreign policy discussions.

My name is Rheinlander von Phalz, and I would like to once again serve this nation by representing Arizona in Congress. I am officially announcing my candidacy and will run under America’s Advancement Party.

Once more, I am humbly asking you, voters of the United States, to support my candidacy and review my platform.

Opposition to Hungary and PEACE

Our nation made great strides during last month’s Congressional campaign and pushed Colombia, France, and Russia out of our borders. Canada also gave Iran the boot. Our string of successes stopped when we fought Hungary. I am committed to victory against the only nation continuing to defile American and Canadian lands and will support efforts against Hungary in my capacity as a Congressman. Furthermore, I will continue to oppose PEACE GC and pursue the liberation of their colonies and the freedom of nations held under their tyranny.

Please note that Congress does not direct the military or dictate military strategy. Whatever my personal opinions on the efficacy of tanking versus mass distribution of Q1 weapons, I defer to military strategy experts in our government.

Military and Militias

Most candidates understand the need for a strong and well-funded military. I am no exception. To secure more offensive and defensive capability for the United States, I supported the creation of the Office of Militia Support, which will subsidize private militias which operate their own weapon companies at a loss. Groups such as the Bear Cavalry and the Eagles may become eligible to receive a small government stipend through this office. I brought up concerns about the OMS being abused, and now militia groups need to be approved by the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Foreign Relations

As a member of the 22nd United States Congress, I served on the Foreign Relations Advisory Committee (FRAC). I have done so without making a single reference to Battlestar Galactica.

Why the FRAC not?

As a member of this committee, I have contributed to examinations of our relationships with South American countries, Russia, China, and India. China has sought alliances with countries, including the United States, to secure them against imperialist threats. India narrowly rejected an alliance offered by the United States, and I will continue to monitor the situation if elected again. Navigating the turbulent waters of the present Russian political situation will be delicate, but I am convinced the United States can benefit. I support defending Peru against Colombian and Brazilian incursion if America is called upon.


While many poor infrastructure platforms were not elected to the 22nd Congress, some were. Given our present population, two Q5-hospital ‘fortress’ states are appropriate. If our population expands to the point that we can accommodate another, the likely candidate states have been decided by me and other members of Congress who chose to weigh in. I still have to explain why certain states are ill-suited to become American fortresses, and am willing to do the same for another term.

Private groups have come forth with offers of cheap hospitals and defensive systems. Some of my colleagues were hesitant, seeing it as abandonment of fortress strategy, or nit-picking problems with good-intentioned citizens. I made sure we were taking advantage of every opportunity presented to us. Hospitals and defense systems in storage do not mean we need to recklessly deploy them; they can be deployed when ready, be mobilized as replacement for overrun fortress states, and offered to allies who need them.

Multipartisan Cooperation

I continue to strongly support working with different political parties and collaboration to ensure the best outcome for America. I do all I can to not become embroiled in partisan bickering, instead supporting the best candidates and the best proposals. Now that our country’s territory is mostly unified, we must be diligent to ensure that old political divisions do not tear us apart.

Activity, Responsibility, Dependability

I promised to maintain high levels of activity throughout my term and diligently execute the responsibilities of my office. I like to think I made good on those promises. Complete records of all my votes can be found in either the Congressional Voting Records office or my private publication.

Arizona Congressman’s Report and Voting Record, Day 676-685

Arizona Congressman’s Report and Voting Record, Day 686-692

I do more than simply posting my voting record; I give rationales for my decisions and explain what Congress was thinking when proposing legislation. Government accountability is important, but I think the educational benefits to young citizens are more important. I also answer messages from my constituents in a prompt and complete manner. Education is an important part of my campaign even though I am not participating in newbie education in an official capacity of the government. Knowledgeable players become active ones, and active citizens make our country strong. To further the dialogue between Congress and citizens, I frequent the eUS internet relay chat (IRC) and participate in Jude Connors’s weekly town hall.

Thank for your reviewing my platform. Please consider returning me to Congress for the good of Arizona and America. Once again, you will not be disappointed.

Rheinlander von Phalz
22nd United States Congress, Arizona
America’s Advancement Party Round Table Member
Home Guard, Third Platoon, Charlie Company

Lewis Clark, Party President of the American Liberty Party, said, “Rheinlander von Phalz is man of integrity, accountability, and just the type of senator we need in office to look out for the best interest of our citizens and nation's future.”

Aren Perry, three-time Congress member from Illinois, former Congressman from Connecticut, and former president of the America’s Advancement Party, officially endorses this candidate.

This candidate is endorsed by former President of the United States Harrison Richardson.

Last month, the President of the United States, Gaius Julius, said of von Phalz, "Cool dude ya'll should vote for him."