Redemption In North Dakota.

Day 550, 07:12 Published in USA Greece by Weasle

As americans it is time to redeem ourselves on the world stage. As a country it is time to turn back the bad and unleash the good. It is time for a revolution of like minded succesful people to take control of this country and unleash a new era in America.

It's time for North Dakota to have it's say. If you live in North Dakota or are considering in voting in North Dakota, consider this...

North Dakota is always ignored in favor of bigger more prominent states. It's congressmen's opinion's ignored. This is prejudice and goes against what this country should stand for.

In a country of aristocratic elitisim, where the Beta's will always be proportionatly more stronger than the rest of us, It takes someone of extreme opinion and manner to make your voice be heard.

Ladies and gentleman, that man is me. And by man, of course, I mean Weasle.

I'm one of the most controversial things since I can't believe it's not butter, and if you don't believe me, just check me up on IRC, or ask someone who knows me. I am highly provactive and I force you to either hate me or love me. In short, I command attention.

This is what North Dakota needs, my friends. This is what America needs. Redemption.

Vote Weasle.