Record Turnout for Congressional Elections!

Day 706, 10:02 Published in Ireland Ireland by Edana Savage

The October Congressional Election ended up with a record number of votes at 349, up from 329 votes in September. That is a 6% increase.

I for one am very glad that is over. *drops into an exhausted heap*

Thank you for those who voted for me. I appreciate it. I will continue to work just as hard as I always have. Your vote has been well placed and I will do everything in my power to earn it.

I am truly excited about the direction Ireland is going. We are growing our numbers. We are retaining more citizens. We are growing our military force. Our ministries are working together more effectively. We are venturing out into the greater world. We are looking for ways to establish strong relationships with other countries. Things are starting to come together nicely.

I see this term as focused on the economy. There have been several terrific ideas presented this last term. These will continue to be debated and I think you will see some interesting initiatives that will provide an opportunity to increase not only the wealth of the country but the personal wealth of each and every citizen. I encourage you to track the debate on the Public Dail. You many need an Economics text book to decipher some of it. I will try to "noobify" the content for your reading pleasure. 😉

I also see continued emphasis on the military and growing our ranks. If you haven't had a chance to read Donovan Thomas's article on the subject, I urge you to do so. I had heard of Tanks, but never knew what that meant exactly.

So if you haven't signed up for the IDF, what are you waiting for?! Are you going to let my Baby Brutes show you up?

And lastly, I have been enjoying the new forum for the past hour.

There is even a chat room for Noobs! So you can practice! Before you can sit at the big kids table! 😮

I better end things right here. For those of you, who are not glassy eyed, thank you for sticking it out. For those of you who couldn't make it this far, I will supply the Cliff's Note version upon request. 😉

Until next time.

Edana Savage
Minister of New Citizens, 2nd Term
Congresswoman for Cork and Kerry, 2nd Term