Recommended Reading: Day 2241

Day 2,241, 18:12 Published in USA USA by Pony Express

Dateline : January 8th, 2014 (Day 2241)

Recommended Reading is a direct extension of the White House Press Report. Here you will find links to the latest editions of every US Government publication as well as articles written by Cabinet members and other prominent citizens in their own newspapers.

At the sole discretion of the editor, interesting articles from the US and even foreign media may be featured here as well.

Dateline: Day 2241
Headline: WHPR Day 2241 - New Term, New Year!
: 1 : The New Term and Goals
: 2 : War Map and Analysis
: 3 : Interview with VP Mazzy Cat
: 4 : eNPR 

Dateline: Day 2239
Headline: [PotUS] Day One
Summary: President Wild Owl talks about his plans for this term.

Dateline: Day 2240
Headline: [DoI] January 2014
Summary: The DoI shares various assistance links.

Dateline: Day 2240
Headline: [DoE] Guide to eRepublik: First Days
Summary: A guide for the first few days

Dateline: Updated Day 2241
Headline: [DoD Orders] [DoD Orders] Day 2,241 - Updated at 17:00
Summary: If the eUS is winning a battle by 55-60%, please save your damage for another mini or another battle where needed. Do not waste damage over-hitting the wall!

Summary: No recent articles.

Summary: No recent articles.

Headline: No recent articles

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Some Cabinet Departments are always looking for more help and provide an opportunity to get your foot in the door to a future in government work. Check out the new government job application here, and remember: ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.

Get into a great job now, and hold it through the next election and transition!

Use @whitehouse in any IRC room running Sovereign to get a list of the most recent Government articles.


"I would rather rot in hell for all of eternity for standing by my principles, than get into heaven by leaving those principles behind"

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Recommended Reading: Day 2241
All the news that’s fit to print!

| Recommended Reading | WHPR | eNPR | President | Interior | Education | Defense | State | Congress | Jobs |