Recent (Small) Events

Day 755, 12:45 Published in USA USA by Zanmor

The entire world has once again been plunged into war. EDEN forces pour into Asia now formally backed by the Righteous, The Southern A’s are clambering, one over the other, into Australia and Eastern Europe is a glorious mess. If you want a rundown of everything then check out this article. Amidst all this and the recent trainer debacle there is some really excellent stuff going on that you may well have missed. I highly recommend the following:

William Duncan prophesies the next step in the modern eRepublik military in a series called The Art of eWar. In particular the first article is a damned fine idea.

Woxor crunches the numbers on how to train most effectively with the new trainers.

Finally, if there’s anyone who isn’t aware (it has over 4500 subs, who isn’t?), Tall_niki_News is a great place to check the stats on major battles around the globe.

Commune Alpha

Food was disbursed yesterday, one unit of Q1 food for every day you worked last week. Also, recent discussions on the forums likely have us saving profits to expand to other businesses, possibly even in another country to help spread the word about Commune Alpha. If you are interested in either domestic or foreign efforts and would like to join the Commune, please contact us (the org Commune Alpha, Zanmor, Bobby Canell, or Jstott) .

Members and those who are interested can find the forums here:

Finally, Bobby and I have determined any money returned from our initial investments would have likely been re-invested in the Commune immediately and so have officially donated the total of 29G to the effort.


Who can resist throwing in a word or two about this? Now, keep in mind that I’m just over a 100-day old player, so my strength hasn’t even broken ten yet. I’ve seen some complain about how this flies in the face of the ‘hard work’ of the older players who have been clicking train for a year or two now. I’ve seen just as many about how new players will be forever weak as older players with better funding will be able to put down the gold to train. Then there are a few who see it as an unfair advantage to those who can and will pay to get the gold to buy the training.

For my part, I don’t care. I was pretty well aware that I’d never be able to match the damage of someone like Josh Frost. Obviously there will always be better tanks than myself and so, while I should definitely increase my meager damage as much as possible, my efforts and gold were better spent in other areas. I won’t be buying training short of a magnificent windfall of gold that causes me to have more than I can spend. While this is arguably unfair for countries whose currency isn’t accepted by eRepublik as payment, I doubt it will have an incredible impact, at least immediately, to overall game play and military strategy. If it becomes permanent then we might see more government funded tanks get gold for training, but then you have to determine if the buildup is better than the immediate bang for your buck from weapons. Whether they stay or go, I’ll still be here two-clicking for free as always.

Well, that’s enough for now. Substantially less than I thought I’d be writing about, but I really don’t feel like writing about the other stuff.