Rebuttal to IA invasion

Day 1,449, 14:44 Published in South Africa South Africa by nick jones

OK time for another wall of text to remove the contortions by his divine craziness Oprah. He state😛

“I’d like to begin with a note. Please, always keep in mind this is a game. It’s supposed to be fun; it’s not real. Furthermore, this is a social strategy game. What we are doing here isn’t fighting, it’s genuine debate. If building virtual tanks and clicking the ‘Fight’ button is what you enjoy, by all means do that—but please don’t misconstrue fun ePolitics with infighting.”

WRONG, you admitted on IRC that political theory works in erep because in all actuality it is a giant hypothetical. That throws your above statement out.

“Well, well. It seems we’ve stirred up quite the debate.”
WE? Who are we? All I hear is Oprah screaming unfair and the party in question yelling F@#$ off our party.

“This is really exciting, and I’m glad to see people active again. The community is becoming vibrant once more—people are becoming informed and integrated. I try to empathize with what a new player must see in our media right now—a political debate that is exciting and raw—something that shows that eRep is worth sticking around for. People now have a reason to log on and play the game.”

Does this not prove my point that PTOing IA isn’t the way? Congratz you just contradicted your own argument here.

“Some people have jumped to call me a “PTOer” (Political Take Over-er). I prefer the term political catalyst.”

Ha as rex said PTO is a PTO is a PTO, it doesn’t matter who you are if you do actions as based by the definition I proved in my article (which you failed to dispute) your actions are a PTO effort.

“1. Having occupied the Presidency, Speaker, and almost every ministerial position—and having put in countless months of work for eSA in many different fields—having been fair and friendly my entire life…. I can be called a PTOer.”

Ronell, JP, or Amun anyone? Also it matters not where you have served, you can still be a PTOer for your actions don’t use your credentials to hide behind your treasonous actions.

“2. What I’m doing through this process is trying to fix the Party and fix a political system that is ripe for PTO exploitation. Already this process has made the community more active, informed, integrated and exciting (absolutely essential for an ATO population). And in the revolutionized IA, our description will encourage players to join the disproportionately smaller parties to prevent them from being PTO’d.”

You see you told me that you wanted to “destroy IA” sorry not going to buy that contortion.

“3. A Political Take Over implies there’s something active and political to take over. Not something we’ve seen from the IA or other parties in several months.”

Ha that’s a hoot as we see IA is not dead as by the backlash from your attempts to destroy another party for personal reasons. “I want to dismantle IA” is what you said on IRC so don’t believe it for a moment.

“Fear is a tool used to control and command us. Fear is used to preserve the status quo.

The status quo is not fun
The status quo is not healthy
The status quo is dangerous
The status quo is unacceptable”

Ironic that the fear monger is calling those who wish not to have a party destroyed are the fear mongers, and the status quo is but your bloody opinion it is not based in fact. It only proves that you have a personal vendetta against IA!

“I’m not afraid because I know that this is right. I’m not afraid because I know this to be true. I know this process will be good for the Party and good for the country. You have to fight for what you believe in no matter what.”

More opinions and we are supposed to believe you know what’s best for IA when you have never belonged to IA? Sure, then who is to stop you when you come after my party or PSU or NU next? YOU ARE NOT GOD STOP ACTING LIKE IT!

“The only thing that gets to me is those who claim I have a personal vendetta against the IA. If you’ve ever read anything from me, you’d know I have a deep-seated love for history and community in eSA.”


“What we are doing here is without party affiliation. I’m independent on this, and it has nothing to do with any other parties. It’s not about one person; it’s not about one party. It’s about everyone, it’s about the future of this country and what’s good for it.”

Again with this we notion, YOU are alone in this IA has clearly stated they don’t want this quit trying to cram its own death warrant down its throats!

“I have presented my ideas and policies that will create a better Party and eSA. Now I challenge my opposition in the old IA to come up with a single positive idea or policy for the country.”

Are you F#$%ing kidding me does the platform Had3z put up for CP not already show they have good ideas?You conceded by not addressing the claim that this is for the coalition reasons, so you admit that it is the main reason. You fail to address the claim that you have not been in IA’s perspective so its conceded that you are an outsider to this party unaware of its traditions and culture, and you wish to kill it, and the best part is you DON’T CARE WHAT IA THINKS ABOUT ALL THIS, brilliant you are committing political takeover, thus you are a PTOer.

In conclusion his lack of complete rebuttal proves that he has a malicious intent in mind , therefore we must unite against Oprah and prevent the destruction of IA, for if we do not who is next , who is to say he won’t go after PSU SADP or NU next? If we the people fail to take a stand then we will be doomed to a tyrannical egomaniac who will kill any opposition or party he doesn’t like for “safety reasons” Bugger off Oprah try at the individual level not at the party if you want true success because all you’re doing is PTO.

Nick Jones