Rebuilding Socialism in Ireland and the Soviet Union

Day 894, 09:12 Published in Ireland Russia by Comintern

Music: Billy Bragg's version of the Internationale
"The International ideal unites the human race!"

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All Power to the Communes!" width="25px" height="24px"> Rebuilding the Soviet Union" width="25px" height="24px">
by Maksim Chuikov, Communist Party - Soviet Union (e-Russia)

After more than a year, history is in the process of repeating itself.

The international movement has sought several times to gain control, both political and more recently economical control, over a nation in the New World. It's been over a year since the collapse of the Soviet Union in Russia. Since then, small groups of leftist militants have tried to gain political control by emigrating to smaller countries like Slovakia, Czech Republic, Denmark and North Korea (to mention the most important events).

There hasn't been a glimpse of hope of ever again achieving political control in one of the biggest countries in the New World. But now we're finally seeing some light in the tunnel.

Membership in the CPSU has quadrupled over the last 9 months.

The Communist Party - Soviet Union (CPSU) opened internal discussions on a new policy of creating a state within a state. In practice this meant recognizing the CPSU as the only legitimate party in Russia. This policy was, at first, ignored by the leading oligarchy centered in the Free Russia Party. Since then, the CPSU has had a massive membership explosion, from approximately 500 members at the beginning of the year to up to almost 800 members today.

The workers' and peasants party -- CPSU -- with its open and democratic policies, has managed to gather a lot of active support. Today it operates an efficient para-military organization known as the PKKA (translated, stands for Workers and Peasants Red Army), newspaper, voting and organization bureaus all fulfilling their role to create a better Russia. The success of this system can be seen in the latest Congress elections where the CPSU managed to win sixteen (16) positions out of 40, becoming the most influential party in the Congress.

The CPSU stands for the following points:
* Seeks to gain a minimum of 51% of the Congress to reform Russia into a Socialist country.
* Believes in a workers' and peasants' army, controlled locally through direct-democracy.
* A new foreign policy to unite workers and peasants around the New World.
* Drastic language reforms are needed to open Russia for English-speaking citizens, thus making Russia a more international country.
* Effectively take control of the economy to maximize productivity. This means steps will have to be taken to gradually reform the economy into a planned economy." width="25px" height="24px"> Rebuilding the Labour Party: An Interview with irishbhoy1967" width="25px" height="24px">
by Manic Eskimo, Chairman of the Internationale, and irishbhoy1967, The Labour Party (e-Ireland)">The Irish Labour Party is a party that will always be close to my heart as I was present during it's creation.

In November 2009 Brian Boru, Glorious Connolly, Mannimarco and myself tried to start a commune system and far-left political party in Ireland. It was one of the toughest projects I have ever been involved in. We had to recruit new members every day as people did not have the commitment to build a commune system. I know how difficult the situation must have been when irishbhoy1967 found the party completely dead at the start of Gosplan. He decided to build one of the fastest growing and influential parties eIreland has ever seen.

The Irish Labour Party has now become a shining example to other far-left parties around our new world.

So first question is when did you first find out about the Labour party and why did you decide to join?

Well, it struck a chord with me, being republican and socialist, I was told about Labour before it was even founded so I was there from the beginning. I had waited a long time before deciding to join any party. None of the others appealed to me as such they didnt seem to have a clear message. Just fancy avatars depicting a United Ireland and nothing to back that up.

And what were your thoughts when you returned from your short holiday and found the party deserted?

LOL Yea, my first break from eRep -- 5 day drinking binge. I came back, and the answer to your question of my first thoughts: WTF.

Every active member was gone so I asked them what was goin on. They were all in Russia at the Gosplan project. I was told the party was dead so I decided that I would go too. I was put onto Maksim Chuikov and he didn't have a job open. He said he would sort it for me the next day. So, I was a couple of clicks away from following my comrades. The next day, I had a change of heart. I knew there was something special about Labour so I stayed and started to rebuild. There were 6 members left and only one other active one.

Séamas Ó Conghaile, Commandant of the Dublin Brigade, admired by Lenin, supporter of the Industrial Workers of the World

So what were your first steps in rebuilding the party?

Well, it was a slow and painstaking process.

I decided not to use the usual recruitment method of mass PMs and treated each new possible recruit individually on a case by case basis. At the time there was not a true Republican Party in eIreland and considering that in my opinion, every real Irishman has at least a bit of a Republican in him, I used our Republican values to attract new players.

At that point we could have easily turned into solely an Irish Republican party. However, I did not want that. Basically republicans formed the core and foundation of the party, but we had been founded originally as a socialist party.

Once we got a solid base, I started to concentrate more on our Socialist views. At this point the shit hit the fan.

A PTO group arrived. It was actually an attempted PTO of Ireland and we were PTOed in January in what turned out to be an attempted PTO of the country on the eve of the PP elections. In the last hour, actually, several unfamiliar and unknown faces showed up, one of them putting himself forward for Party President. We had little time to react and ended up losing the election by one vote.

The future of the party and the movement as a whole was on very shaky ground at this stage. We decided to play along and see what they were up to they had actually asked (begged) us to stay with the party to help them. I wanted to hear policies. Their only real aim was top 5, which they mentioned over and over again, so I continued to recruit more guys. This time the message was we want our party back.

Come congress elections we were still not top 5. Many of the PTOers had moved to other parties to run. We tipped off the other parties as to who the threats were and we moved to other parties ourselves and ran guys to fill up regions to block them of all the PTOers. Only one got a seat. At that point the PTOers knew we had played them and one by one they started to go back to where they came from. We started to build some momentum after that. I had actually gotten a congress seat even though I had only run to block.

Around this time Glorious Connolly came back from Gosplan and brought Mr. Ginge with him. Ginge lightened my workload in the party. Before that nearly every truly active player we had were younger players, like Joe Hitman and James Ferrin. At one point, (the IRC channel) labourireland consisted of myself and Joe, then James.

ICA (Irish citizen army) had originally been formed with 5 members, all relatively low level guys. The secret of ICA back then was no-one knew we only had a handful of members. It helped us hugely in gaining members for the party. It's ideals appealed to people.

Poblacht na hÉireann -- April 24 marked the 94th anniversary of the Easter Rising

And what are the ideals of the ICA and have they changed at all since it's foundation?

Well it has always been first and foremost a group who fight for liberation of the oppressed. In recent times, it has become a lot more organized and efficient. And with Ireland's recent entry into the Brolliance, we have been able to co-operate with certain Brolliance missions. I would hope that it never strays too far from it's original ideals. One such ideal being the unshakable belief in a United Ireland. Another being the desire to help our comrades wherever they may be.

Which Brolliance missions have the ICA been involved in and how successful have you been?

Well, we had been involved in the attempts at South African liberation since long before Ireland joined the Brolliance. It had been more coincidence that we had been there along with Bros in the beginning. But we had made a name for ourselves and at every future attempt at liberation, we were given prior notice of battles. On our last visit there we took home an Resistance Hero medal. For the liberation of the region of Mpumalanga.

At which point did the communes restart and how have you built them up?

The first communes were solely to supply ICA. They concentrated heavily on weapons production. After Mr. Ginge had taken over as PP he started the Labour Communes. We also started a Labour Treasury to deal solely with funds. It helps to keep a track of things so that funding can be clearly seen by all. Members can then propose what to do with funding be it expand, or funding for the communes themselves.

One way to ensure the building up of the communes was to introduce a new requirement of those who wished to have party support for congress that they must be a commune worker. If for some unforeseen reason that proves not possible, a donation of congress Gold to the Party Treasury would suffice.

Labour Communes concentrate mainly on gaining funding for expansion.

ICA communes are solely to place weapons into the hands of its soldiers.

An important time in recent eIrish history was the brief unification of Ireland. Talk us through those events and how they affected the Irish Labour party.

Labour flourished during this period. We had become the most active party in the country. The Government at the time had been negotiating with the eUK over the impending battle and the terms of such battle. Our government had been under the impression that the UK were agreeable to these terms.

USA had been invading UK, then Norway had taken Northern Ireland and ransomed it to eIreland for upwards of 100 gold.

Well, there had been talk of a fee. But this was an insult to Irish people, especially republicans. Anyway when the peace was signed the Government at the time had been negotiating with the eUK over the impending battle and the terms of such battle. Our government had been under the impression that the UK were agreeable to these terms:

* eUK pays for the RW
* Battle for Belfast occurs after congressional election
* eUK vs eIrelan😛 Neither side requests deployment of foreign troops to aid them

The Labour Party were not so easily fooled.

We had expected these terms to be broken. And they were. We had actively searched for support from around the eWorld. All that week we had people from all over the world in our chatroom. By the time the RW had started, we had gained the support of ST6 (Seal Team 6), 150 Croatians, and from a past ICA mission, our friends in the Canadian Military.

This was without even holding any Governmental positions at this point. Many party members also contributed to bring in many more people from around the eWorld. We had an article in just about every country.

Just to be clear when I say the terms were broken. They started the RW before Congress elections, without warning. The Govt had seemed to want a training war style battle. Of course, this was never going to happen. Labour had become a truly great party at this stage. Things got a lot easier after that.

Everyone could see we were not going to die, that we were here for the long haul. We had come through good times and bad and treated both the same. We are aptly named. The amount of work that goes into this party is phenomenal.

This brings us closer to the present day. What is the next step for the Irish Labour Party?

We are in a good place now. Our state within a state project is well under way. Expansion and growth. And co-operation with our comrades are what is left for us now. I would like to see the party being treated with less suspicion and hostility in some quarters.

I've heard that you may be going for county president soon. What would a Labour run government do for the country?

Well, firstly the beauty of Labour's State within a State programme is we do not actually need to be in government to achieve most of our aims. Of course it would help but it is not a requirement.

But on your question. First thing would be making sure the state companies are running at full production.

I would actively ensure that they are filled with workers at all times to provide the state with the necessary products. Given our new status as an alliance member (in the Brolliance), I would also want to create an "air" of camaraderie and community amongst the population where everyone can get involved.

And team-spirit is placed higher than anything else.

I think Labour has already proven it has the talent to deal with any situation. However, that is not to say that the cabinet would be chosen along party lines. That would alienate many people, which in the end would only do our cause more harm than good.

Showing people that our ideas can work very well does more for us than creating opposition for ourselves." width="25px" height="24px"> Workers of the World, Unite! -- About the Internationale" width="25px" height="24px">
by Phoenix Quinn, Socialist Freedom Party (eUSA)

l'Internationale is the newspaper of The Internationale.

The Internationale is an association of far-left oriented parties and organizations around the eWorld, created to help the development of socialism in all the countries.

The association is constitutionally based and run via a democratic process. The highest authority in the Internationale is the Congress, which includes representatives from far-left parties around the world. Each party has one vote. Member-parties appoint a representative to the Internationale Congress, which in turn elects a Chair each month, who also has a vote.

Various committees and departments are organized to carry out the decisions of the Congress. The business of the Internationale takes place on the International forum.

There are three permanent departments within the Internationale...

Human Resources Department: Welcome new members and allow them to post in the forum; teach new members about how the Internationale works; keep a live list of current members

Media and Publicity Department: Make the news and actions of the Internationale widespread

Fund-Raising Department: Manage the accounts of the Internationale well as the following committees and working groups:

Central Planning Committee: Act in an advisory position to the Internationale Congress, provides leadership and direction to the Congress

Security Council: Moderate the forum and expose counter-revolutionaries

Internationale Trade: Assist in supporting inter-communal trade

Internationale Military Committee (in process of formation): Develop a military wing of the Internationale; coordinate common actions of leftist militias

The Internationale forum also hosts a great collection of theoretical and historical articles dealing with various aspects of e-socialism.

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Workers of the World Unite!
The Internationale Forum" width="25px" height="24px">" width="25px" height="24px">