Rebirth of the AMP! Astintus concedes, Frymonmon declared winner!

Day 876, 15:42 Published in Australia Australia by Australian Military Party
Astintus has officially stepped down from his candidacy

Due to the amount of Channers and PTOers running in the election, the official Party President Frymonmon has been declared the winner, and Astintus has withdrawn from the race. The AMP would like to thank Astintus for sacrificing for saving the Australian Military Party, and he will no doubt lead the party sometime in the future.

His statement:

Frymonmon needs you! VOTE tomorrow!

Australia, it is no doubt that the Australian Military Party is under siege from a massive PTO threat, luckily they seemed to have spread themselves thin, with 3 PTOers running. The party URGES everyone to vote for the official candidate, Frymonmon.

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