Rebel Blockers Are the Best Blockers

Day 1,123, 14:58 Published in USA USA by The Libertarian Bulletin

Spoiler: Congress information lies in here, sign up Here!!!

We all know how the United States of America was founded - the concept of a government ruled by the people. Hundreds of years after its inception, that ideal still lives on today. How is it been so successful? Because the system of government we have is really a two-way system: representatives lead the people, and the people choose the representatives. It’s worked real well for America.

The Libertarian Party itself is the same way. We give to you the people by standing up to the Revolution. We know you’re displeased with Su-cream Kat-mondante Frost. We’re leading the Counter Revolution - the charge against the atrocity that is the ruling Revolution. But in return, we ask for something from you.


Once a month, America elects its representatives in Congress. The Libertarian Party wants to be represented in Congress. ERGO: we need representatives. Anyone who wants to run should apply. Being a Congressman earns you automatic prestige; it’s a great stepping stone for moving on to bigger and better things in your eCareer.

As well as people who want to become a Congressman, we need people who don’t want to run for Congress. Our party gets a slot to place a candidate in every state - and if we don’t fill those spots, enemies from other countries can take them and potentially get into Congress. This is the Libertarian Party! (That has nothing to do with the rest of this paragraph.) So yeah. We can’t let that happen. If you don’t want to become a Congressman, that’s fine, we just need you to run anyway. DO IT FOR AMURICA. By the way, this process is called blocking; if you sign up for this, which you pretty much have to if you’re not attempting a serious Congressional candidacy, you will be called a blocker.

To get involved in all this, click on any of the following links:

Here Here Here Here Here Here Here Here Here or Here
They’re all the same.

Yeah. Love ya too.

btw: Susan Coffey

oh no she didn't... oh yes she did

It's CRoy's birthday! Wish him a happy birthday!